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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. I'm just thinking aloud that if some XBOX hardware is compatible with XBOX Next, then the harddrive can be used to store roms and crap. Sure, it may take time to rewrite emulators for it and for some decent mod chips to come out, but it would be cool.

    Well its rumored that Xbox games etc will not be compatiable with Xbox2.....If that is the case then MS are gonna lose then next gen console wars by a very large margin...

    Nope. PS3 is going to have compatibility issues as well. The processors are going to change, thus the games prior are going to be impossible to play.


    Both Sony and MS are in a pickle over this. If one is able to pull it off, it is the other's demise.



    Sony has hired the best emulation authors to make ps3 be able emulate ps1 and ps2...

    You mean they've hired Frost's friend?! Awesome! :(


    Where did you hear this news?

    Sony was advertising all over the net and in the newspaper for experienced emulation personnel....


    Also Sony will make the PS3 backwards compatible with the PS2 and PS1 because thats what gave the PS2 its edge....

    I bet its a sting operation. They lure all the best emulators and then arrest them. It'll keep them away from emulating all the other consoles.


    Or Sony could steal specs from the new XBOX and have them work on that emulator so it would devalue the console when it comes out.

    Emulators are not illegal (well Nintendo Handheld emulators are)...only the Roms are.....

    just loading the rom on an emulator is illegal

    Having the rom image and not owning the original cartridge/CD/DVD is illegal.

    You have a privilege of keeping backups of your software.

    isn't it legal if you only use it for private use w/out distribution?

  2. I'm just thinking aloud that if some XBOX hardware is compatible with XBOX Next, then the harddrive can be used to store roms and crap. Sure, it may take time to rewrite emulators for it and for some decent mod chips to come out, but it would be cool.

    Well its rumored that Xbox games etc will not be compatiable with Xbox2.....If that is the case then MS are gonna lose then next gen console wars by a very large margin...

    Nope. PS3 is going to have compatibility issues as well. The processors are going to change, thus the games prior are going to be impossible to play.


    Both Sony and MS are in a pickle over this. If one is able to pull it off, it is the other's demise.



    Sony has hired the best emulation authors to make ps3 be able emulate ps1 and ps2...

    You mean they've hired Frost's friend?! Awesome! :D


    Where did you hear this news?

    Sony was advertising all over the net and in the newspaper for experienced emulation personnel....


    Also Sony will make the PS3 backwards compatible with the PS2 and PS1 because thats what gave the PS2 its edge....

    I bet its a sting operation. They lure all the best emulators and then arrest them. It'll keep them away from emulating all the other consoles.


    Or Sony could steal specs from the new XBOX and have them work on that emulator so it would devalue the console when it comes out.

    Emulators are not illegal (well Nintendo Handheld emulators are)...only the Roms are.....

    just loading the rom on an emulator is illegal

  3. Ya well, K9999 was a tribute to Akira, n for what he was (an artificial person or something right?) he looked to fit the part somewhat well.

    Keep in mind that the japanese voice actor for Tetsuo (whom K9999 was an homage to) also played the voice to K9999 (which is pronounced K-4-9, in case you didn't know)

    I also heard that the person who does Kyo's voice is the person who does the voice of Kaneda

  4. Only at Mardi Gras + a couple of beads = you know what I mean.

    That's also a big myth. I'm from around New Orleans, and that doesn't happen as often as you think. Sure, there's a lot of boob flashing and ass baring, but its more difficult to get them to have sex with you. The simple reason is that its way too crowded to push your way through to actually get to a bed or a decent place to fornicate.


    Ofcourse, that doesn't stop me from trying. :P

    *imagines Kramer grabbing some hot chicks hand about to take her to his place when suddenly a guy offers her some more better looking beads so she goes with him ditching Kramer*




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