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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. me,my girl and some other cool cats are gunna drive down south.


    *yeah we're renting cars*


    I wanna go to DISNEYLAND!!  :D  weeeeee!


    "Duff beer for me.. duff beer for you..." oh wait.. where did the simpons parody that from? isn't it "IT'S A SMALL WORLD?"



    if you see a sign that says "Welcome to El Centro, California" on it, then you've gone too South and you needa turn back immediately cause it gets hot as hell here in Spring

  2. Spring Break is so overrated. Everyone thinks that spring break is like a Girls Gone Wild video. Well its not. :ph34r: I wish it were. It's just as boring as any other holiday.

    last year all I did was sit around in front of the comp and watch anime all day. Yeah, I would go to the arcade too. Actually, Spring Break was kinda boring for a lot of my friends.



    Don't know what I"ll do this year though (probably the exact same thing only for a longer time :lol: )

  3. ...none of your business :P

    I'll make it my business...


    *Tracks Weird's Isp. Flies to his hometown. Rings the doorbell. Smacks him in the face and kicks him on the ground. Then, leaves*



    *traces Diso's Ip, fins where he's hiding, makes him bite the curb and thats the end of that* :D:D

  4. As stated by the header, Matthew Kendora, one of the key developers of Snes9x has decided to leave the SNES emulation scene. He also makes "The Big Rant" about the current state of the whole scene.

    He's still trimming the few GFX packs and releasing then with CaithSith2, but then it's goodbye.


    Read the whole article: http://www.snes9x.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=9869


    I'd suggest you read the whole two pages before making comments. It's a long read, but well worth it.

    how come he just didn't write a book?

  5. ...You know. To be honest, I don't like the idea of it going 3D. That's just me.


    King of Fighters have been 2D for so long, especially when it was SNK.  But eh, now we're going to 3D.  But then again, this is going to be for PS2. 2D games is slowly fading, aside from...Neo Blood series and Guilty Gear X. But eh. Maybe I'm overexaggerating, but I will at least give this game a chance to see how it comes out.


    Let's just hope that it's good.

    c'mon, you know you wanna see Mai in 3d :o;)

    Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition. The only Hyper Neo-Geo 64 title worth playing.
    I agree with you there
  6. though picture wise though, I wouldn't recomment using the rfu adapter...you know, the one you hook up to the cable and put it on ch.3 or ch.4 to play. Yeah, those give you the worst picture ever, just get a converter for those color things or use a t.v that already has em, those give you a better picture

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