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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. whatever happend to Dick Chenney? I bet he's the one telling Bush what to do huh? :devil:

    He's still there. He's weilding power from behind. Whenever he's not having a cardiac arrest. :lol:

    I know huh, how come Bush is always excercising and Dick Chenney is having cardiac arrests? who should be the one excesing eh


    btw, have you guys used google and typed in "Miserable Failure"? Watch...do it and see what you get :devil::devil:

  2. Walt Disney Co. created a new kind of DVDs which self-destruct 48 hours after it's opening. The self-destructing EZ-D DVDs, developed by privately held Flexplay Technologies, quit playing 48 hours after they are opened as a chemical reacts with air, obscuring the tracks on the disc so a laser cannot read them. It's a good thing for video club, since they won't have to bother about customers bringing back videos anymore.


    The only bad point of this is the waste of discs it will create, but Disney sayd it had a recycling program. So far, this DVD is only available in Florida, but the trial will be expanded to Phoenix, Arizona, San Antonio, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, in April and May.


    Imagine having a DVD explode in your Hands.....You could sue Walt Disney Co. for millions :devil:

    Then Give The Dvd's To Military Or Commandos They Dont Need Any Bombs. :lol:

    Ha! They'll be like ninjas with CD shurikens. :devil:


    "Take this AOL disk!" *SHING!*

    GryphonKlaw you always know how to make me laugh :lol:


    This Expiring DVD BS is certain to fail.....no videostore would want to be buying the same movie/game every 48 hours..... :devil:

    it'd be funny if they forget to restock :o:lol:

  3. Walt Disney Co. created a new kind of DVDs which self-destruct 48 hours after it's opening. The self-destructing EZ-D DVDs, developed by privately held Flexplay Technologies, quit playing 48 hours after they are opened as a chemical reacts with air, obscuring the tracks on the disc so a laser cannot read them. It's a good thing for video club, since they won't have to bother about customers bringing back videos anymore.


    The only bad point of this is the waste of discs it will create, but Disney sayd it had a recycling program. So far, this DVD is only available in Florida, but the trial will be expanded to Phoenix, Arizona, San Antonio, Texas, and Denver, Colorado, in April and May.


    Imagine having a DVD explode in your Hands.....You could sue Walt Disney Co. for millions :devil:

    phew...good thing they didn't mention California

  4. regardless of what Schwarzenneger says, I think pretty much of us Californians want a democrat now (well..not all, my history teacher is voting for Nader as a "protest" vote cause he hates Kerry and Bush)...still WE NEED A DEMOCRAT!!!..



    too bad I'm too young to vote though :)

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