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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. ey..when you play imported ps1 games on ps2, do you have to use a seperate memory card for the region that you play? for ex., if I'm playing Biohazard 1, is it ok to use a u.s ps1 memory card or do I have to find a japanese ps1 memory card?

  2. the swap magic disk do work some games dont that where u download cdloader at

    SWAPMAGiCFiX.COM if the game your backingup isnt listing then it doesnt need a fix. i made on own fliptop.about the dvd rip i dont care about them i always do a 1:1 copy never rip cause they ware out your laser. my poor dreamcast.

    one quick question dude, does the boot disk for the cd-r's also work with burned/imported ps1 games?

  3. but why don't chip makers make the newer chips compatible with older ps2's anymore? Wouldn't that make them more money by selling a lot more?


    ah screw it, I'll just buy that swap magic thing

  4. how come there's no more new mod chips compatible with the 30001 bios anymore?!!...that really sucks, why would someone buy a new ps2 just to get a new mod chips...



    ...anyways, that Breaker pro looks tempting...maybe I should get that.. :lol:

  5. dont use either, there is a sticky in this forum that tells you how to do the swap trick very easily, just use that


    it would really suck if you bought a mod chip and there was a game that detected it and refused to play


    it would also suck if you bought a swap disc which you dont need, and can cause problems with certain games


    on the othger hand, you can buy a gameshark for 2.99 used (i was JUST at gamestop, considering i was hired there :lol: ) and use my guide

    but you don't understand see...I want a boot disk for the ps2...the slide card is specifically for ps2

  6. Other than that I really can't stand dubs. Subtitles all the way. I mean, you can't transfer Goldenboy's or The Slayers jokes into English without messing up on the Japanese timing. Comedy is all about timing. I make sure I get the Japanese version.

    seriously dude, go to anime-xtreme and download or go out and buy/rent Hellsing on dvd....they even had all the cusswords...that and the blood are probably the only reason for it not being shown on Adult Swim

  7. the only anime I've ever been sad about over being licensed is Kaze No Yojimbo. Those f*ckers at Soldats only had 1 more f*cken episode to go and they just stopped..thats it...and the worse part is they were the only ones fansubbing it.


    On the other note, Hellsing is the only anime with good eng. voice overs...seriously. It has the same seriousness and crap and british voices like its supposed to...well..except Alucard who's voice acting was kinda half-assed

  8. ohh yeah oh yeah!! I know some better sites, watch.....


    there is of course Animesuki...but then there's also...Anime-Xtreme(dual audio dvd rips...which means, you can change the audio and subs on or off)....and Kick Ass Anime(japanese audio dvd rips) but for those two sites, I recommend you free up some disk space :twisted:..and of course this site which is updated just about ever day

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