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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. btw, this is what it says in the zn driver source in mame

    Sony ZN1/ZN2 - Arcade PSX Hardware


      Driver by smf


      QSound emulation based on information from the cps1/cps2 driver, Amuse & Miguel Angel Horna

      Taito FX1a sound emulation based on information from the Taito F2 driver


      The ZN1/ZN2 boards are standard boards from Sony. Extra sound h/w is

      included on the rom board,


      The BIOS is protected in all the games that run on this hardware.

      During boot up the BIOS decrypts parts of itself into ram using

      a device connected to the PSX controller port. As this is not

      emulated yet you only get the boot up colours.

  2. My only problem with MAME is the lack of external DATs. Since I don't know how to program, I have to wait for someone else to compile a copy for me to leech of off. I don't mind it much because it'll only be a matter of time before somebody gets it working.


    It is much easier to copy and paste the DAT files into Nebula/Kawaks but I'm not going to hate MAME just for that reason. Sure it's inconvenient, but that's it. It's only an inconveience.

    you act like I know about programming. Dude, if you wanna start compiling it, I can give you a guide a friend of mine gave me. If its MAME32 Plus you wanna compile, the drivers for kof 2002 and earlier are already on the source, but they're disabled, the other games you have to add yourself(which isn't hard because all of the games that came out in 2003 are decryted)

  3. ...to me kawaks is more complicated than mame and nebula combined. It won't even run my games smoothly at full stretched full screen, and then the edges look all squary and it isn't that friendly to ppl who have old comps, hell it won't even load up for ppl who don't have a soundcard(just ask Disoblige)....it loads for me fine, but then I switch it over to full screen, squariness...disorder, everywhere, staticy sounds!!! ahhh!!!!!!!!!! make it stop!!!!!!! *switches over to mame*..ahh......thats better, good ol' full stretch with smoothness at 60fps..:blink:......


    ..I think kawaks would be a better emulator if it had d3d support, I like that better, it especially looks better when you have d3d and you combine it with 2xsai(though capcom games act like a chick on pms when I do that, ah well)

  4. I frrigin' love mame man!! I don't see what the problem is? Hell...even when I was a newbie more than a year ago I knew how to configure it well. I don't see what ppl have against mame anways, it doesn't even eat up a lot of cpu if you know what to configure your settings to *cough*d3d renderring*cough*, I even have p2p programs open and it still runs good at full screen+smoothness and no slowdown. If you don't want to configure the stuff thats on the imterface, then just use the gott damn command line.


    wtf is so ugly about the interface anyways?


    If there's one emulator I don't like its neorage. Its stupid because it can only play a hacked p1 file and kof99 and any game later can only be a bootleg(or decrypted) set.


    btw, that choice

    Its lack of external dats makes the process of adding new games too time consuming
    its not hard, nor is it time consuming. It only takes me like 5mins to whip up a mame driver(unless its encrypted). Hell...if you were gonna attempt to compile mame, you coulda just asked me and I would've given you a guide on how to add decrypted drivers....same goes for fba, I compile that too :blink:
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