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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. I just got a copy of MAME with the kof bundle, and although I have steered away from it in the past because it seemed alot more complicated than the other emus, seeing as I can run kof2k3 with antiscropic filtering on my 733MHz, I'm keen to get my other games working on it. Here are the names of the games and their files
    • Garou: MOTW (Garou.zip)
    • Metal Slug 5 Non-Decrypted (Mslug5nd.zip)
    • Power Instinct Matrimelee (pim.zip)
    • SNK v Capcom Plus (svcplus.zip)
    • Waku Waku 7 (wakuwak7.zip)
    • Samurai Showdown 5 (Samsho5.zip)

    I have checked the zips, and all the games are either in ###- format (eg 271-p1.bin) or in XXX-format (eg pim-p1.bin). Also I have dats for all those games (I think) but I don't know if they are the MAME ones, or whatever.

    you know that neorage x roms don't work with mame right? :rolleyes:




    when they went to S.F. SLIMS some months ago :huh: I forget... the date


    But anyways my friends sister smoked 4 bowls with them after the concert :rolleyes:


    *my friends and I eating @ denny's @ japantown* ::his sister and her friends comes out of no where and walk up to our table and tells us what happened:: ;):lol:

    I wouldn't besurprised if there was some of boff.gif<<that goin' onlaughing.gif



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