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Everything posted by Weirdy

  1. I heard that there's secretly homemade arcade cabs running on emus in arcades. that'd be funny though..."hey...free money!!!, just type on that keyboard and you get free credits!!"...bad idea
  2. "Jigsaw Feeling" by Siouxsie & the Banshees
  3. I heard that only 1 game is truly emulated for now
  4. Angelina Jolie?....*shudders*....I guess they are messed up
  5. actually, the DOS it runs under is Windows NT.
  6. I'm on winxp, and I get no problem running stuff off the dos
  7. here live by it...die by it ohhh..by the way, umm....THIS IS THE MAME SECTION!! WHY ARE YOU POSTING A QUESTION ABOUT NEORAGE FOR?
  8. how ya doin Baseley? still being the good ol' pop guru I see
  9. omfg!! you're kidding me right? the dos mame is a lot smoother and faster than any mame32. I like using mameplus with dos. Hell, when there's problems with your rom, usually the problem will be diagnosed on the command line. So don't be talking crap about the dos mame
  10. Beatmania dude, I think DDR was released pretty much everywhere before that game. hell, in japan, Konomi made a game that combine them both by having one player at the turntables and another player dancing his/her ass off to what the person on the turntables is mixing up. ..the only Dance sims I've ever liked were Bust a Groove 1 and 2
  11. too bad some of them crash the games
  12. damnit, sorry, seeing as how I can't use a bunch of spaces, I can't help you
  13. what does this have to do with kaillera?
  14. its a jap commercial about a donkey kong game coming out for gamecube. Its basically like a DDR type game, only you don't dance on a mat, you play the kongas
  15. the sound for namco games is not emulated yet. I heard its almost done though
  16. D3D renderer, set at 16bit desktop, the texture filter at 6, texture caching at about 2, texture quality at 5, Full Screen at 640x480, and blending at 1. and frameskip and detection are checked Check to see if that works for you
  17. omfg!! i hate english dubs too. Why can't ppl just learn to read subtitles?
  18. I can get about 60fps with just about every game except Rival Schools, and Tekken 1 and 2, and I have crappy specs.
  19. dude!!!! SHH!!! awww..see, you woke them up
  20. welp, seeing after a bit of nap and rest, I guess my lil' rant there is late now
  21. actually, idk if you guys discussed this in the kof2003 thread, but Razoola(known dumper of cps 1 and 2 games, and master decryptor of cps2 and neogeo) and El Semi(creator of nebula) are making threats towards this release. Razoola stated that 1)no more XOR's will be released and 2)I guess he had been working for a while on this, but in secret, but he said that he will stop his attempt towards cps3 emulation. El Semi just...stated that nebula would not be updated anymore. sorry if you discussed this before. Anyways, yeah, so...what would you rather choose? One single lil' neogeo rom that will probably suck? or some fun ass cps2 games and some ever so new cps3 games?
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