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Posts posted by Weirdy

  1. James has made his own MAME build with all that (I suppose). Why would you go through all that trouble to make something yourself when somebody has already done it. Besides, the net is full of custom MAME builds to choose from, if you just bother to look. :)


    As for why it doesn't work, ask james. :(

    because not all ppl like using the ever so crappy mame32. I'd rather use mame32plus

  2. NAOMI is basically a dreamcast only more powerful and a lot bigger(and more expensive) and it uses the same logo as dreamcast. Many more games these days use the sega naomi hardware, for ex, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK, Capcom vs SNK Pro(only on arcade in japan), Capcom vs SNK 2, Guilty Gear X, Guilty Gear X2, Virtua Striker 2, etc, etc. Its much too powerful to emulate these days

  3. yes it was released on arcade. All it had was a few characters, more stages and Karin's boat stage...it was titled Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper and it only came out in japan. And NO the game will not be dumped any soon for any emulator because it runs on NAOMI hardware, which I believe was discussed before

  4. out here we kinda balance it out. There's an arcade close by that has a lot of neogeo games. Among them are SvC, Kof2000, Kof2002, etc, but ppl also play the roms on their comp, but mainly for practice, then the next day, go to the arcade, beat a whole bunch of ppl at fighting games and tadah. SNK is still supported cause there's usually ppl winning, losing, wanting to play again and again and again or there'll be one person that everyone will try to beat.


    good, no?

  5. a lot of things annoy me. Here's what annoys me(honestly, no matter what it is, don't be afraid to post what annoys you, I don't care if its ppl)




    R&B musik

    Rap Musik

    ppl who start liking a certain type of musik to join a crowd even when they don't like the musik


    loud people


    ppl who preach their religions to me


    neo nazis



    ppl who use the word "dawg" and "G" a lot

    ppl who wear their pants halfway down their asses

    comedians who aren't funny

    modern punk/mainstream musik



    and the list goes on and on. Anyways, what do you hate?

  6. both emulators have their flaws. For ex....nebula has rasters, but the cps2 emulation isn't exactly the best, thats why there's kawaks. But for neogeo, the best is nebula, not kawaks.


    Achh..hell..what do I know, ever since I learned how to compile, I've become a regular ol' mamehead. So thats what I use now. You guys oughta use it too :rolleyes:

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