well..my parents always buy the comps, not me. Like..I memmer the first comp i had was an old word processor that also integrated with printer/keyboard, then we had a MacOS...you know, those ones from 94 or 95(waaay before the iMac), then now its this one.
I usually wake up at 6:15 a.m(pacific time)...idk, I like to just use the comp and make breakfast, drink coffee, use the comp some more, get dressed, do my hair, etc, etc, then go to school at about 7:20a.m
I think the first think I ever broken was one of my toys when I was a baby or maybe it was a plate..or a glass, I don't memmer. But I always get sad when I break something sometimes(I need a really good reason to get excited)
I'm fat mainly because of fast food..I think..anyays, you wouldn't see me suing them anytime soon.(as a matter of fact I'd rahter make a contribution )
for some reason I could never get the dat file on NEBULA to work for Rotd(nebula set)..hmm..well..now I don't care cause I don't use nebula anymore. Btw, does anyone know where I can get the loader for the new kawaks. Oh! And can someone tell me WHERE I should but the asr.dat file for the kawaks loader.
I think the first ever ROM I've played would have to have been...Super Mario Bros.1, I memmer the first time I heard about emulation, all I thought about was the possiblities