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Everything posted by Weirdy

  1. I don't think that Olbermann is any different than any of the people at Fox News to be honest. It' just that Olbermann is actually trying to appeal to the left (or to anyone who doesn't like dubya).
  2. I'd love to protest, but then I'd be considered an enemy combatant. I keep saying this everywhere, but I still cannot understand why the GOP would allow the people that they have voted for to actually make the govt. bigger. Does that mean that they elected liberals?
  3. yeah, I've been following Olbermann's news for a while. His show is pretty funny; just like Bill O Reilly's.
  4. its in the WndClassEx; the members are Icon and IconSm I think. I'll check when I'm on windows.
  5. These look interestingly interesting.
  6. I've went back to outlook from Thunderbird; but that was because Thunderbird began to corrupt my email attachments.
  7. "Blue Moments" by La Floa Maldita I love the chick's voice!
  8. I've been using the last RC since last week. I thought it was pretty good; unlike another browser that was released last week.
  9. The one thing I regret not doing when being on the market for a new sound card is considering multiplatform support--something that Creative refuses to do.
  10. "b 66883" by Feindflug I feel like stomping something atm!
  11. I haven't had a distressful thought since using that little technique--and I only did it for two minutes. I plan on going to sleep while doing that to see if it'll last long and make me super calm.
  12. If there are system wide dsp's, then it should be good.
  13. I've known that since the first season. He says "I love girls big fat titties! I love girls with big censors"
  14. Yeah man, with Kenny it's like if nobody is going to put much thought on what he says (especially since south park is usually on during the night) then nobody is neither going to know or care. You can hear his words a little clearer if you watch the eps on your computer.
  15. I just tried the following stress relieving technique. I haven't felt this good since the time I took Dayquil.
  16. *wonders how long until Uwe Bo[we]ll decides to make it*
  17. Chuck E Cheese == Arcade?
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