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  1. The best format for backing up your own PSX games is imho IMG with CloneCD or Alcohol 120%.
  2. Yeah sound is really working in most of the games, but not properly in the games I meantiond. You can hear only the soundeffects.
  3. I have problems to get the sound working in some games with Zinc: Brave Blade, G-Darius and Raystorm. The other games run fine, but these 3 won't run properly: I can hear the soundeffects when playing, but no background music at all in the stages. Someone know a solution to this prob?
  4. Nevermind, just found out that you can#t set any picture enhancement filters in the normal CloneMame Version, so I will just wait for Plus Version where I can use 2x Super Sai
  5. Hmm I just downloaded CloneMame and it won't run: something about an error occur when I try to doubleclick on the Mame32.exe
  6. Thanks for the reply, now alot of the stuff seem clear to me Have another question: I really don't care about those hacked games, so when can we expect the normal MamePlus Build to support the following games: KOF 2003 Metal Slug 5 SvC Chaos Samurai Showdown 5 Samurai Showdown 5 Special
  7. What is the difference between CloneMame and CloneMame Plus?
  8. What exactly is CloneMame? Does it have something special why I should use this one instead of the other MameEmus? Does is have support for the newer games? If yes, do I have to use the noremal Mame Dat to verfiy my files? And what is the difference between CloneMame and CloneMame Plus?
  9. Yeah both filters seems to be the same quality BTW: what filters do you guys use for the best picture quality. And what are the difference between those filters: for example. 2x Super Sai and Super Eagle? Which is better 2x Super Sai or Super Eagle? Can someone do a comparision? Which one give the more authentic picture compared to the original?
  10. Forget Nebula, Kawaks and all other Neo geo Emulators. NeoMame should be your first choice!!! - Link Deleted - This one really works perfectly. After Rom-Checking with the dat-file provided on the website and RomCenter, all games work on the first try. Man I wish I would have tried this emu earlier. This one really works without flaws: All games are supported. And another big plus for this one: It has a hq picture enhancement filter, which is really the best filter out there. The picture quality is amazing with this one: I always thought the that the picture quality from NeoRageX, Nebula and Kawaks looked abit blurred and not sharp enough or the colours are somehow not as bright as they could be (faded out), even when using the filters provided with the emus. But the picture quality in NeoMame with hq 2x and above filter is imho the best one: Picture is sharp and the colours looks just the way they should: no faded out colours anymore or blurred out picture. Try this for yourself guys, you won't be dissapointed.
  11. BTW guys, forget Nebula I'm using Neo Mame http://www.neomameplus.com.ar/ This one really works perfectly. After Rom-checking with the dat-file and Romcenter provided on the website, all games work on the first try. Man I wish I would have tried this emu earlier. This one really works without flaws: All games are supported. And another big plus for this one: It has a hq picture enhancement filter, which is really the best filter out there. The picture quality is amazing with this one: I always thought the that the picture quality from NeoRageX, Nebula and kawaks looks abit blurred and not sharp enough, even when using the filters provided with the emus. But the picture quality in NeoMame with hq 2x and above filter is imho the best one. Try this for yourself guys, you won't be dissapointed.
  12. Yeah but what exactly is a loader? Is this somekind oof tool, which I have to add to Nebua or something else? And where can I get one?
  13. Samurai Showdown 5 Special and Metal Slug 5. Now I made the dats, but both roms are crashing Nebula when loading.
  14. Loading z80 Program Roms...
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