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  1. Congratulations BritneysPAIRS, I am looking forward to it.
  2. Thanks for the new bulid + T +. it seems there is a problem enable 720p, its not working at all, same thing happens with the recent GoGo's build. anyway tanks for the new build and its good to see you around.
  3. Hi + T +, this is just great, thanks a lot man.
  4. congratulations gogo
  5. thanks + T +
  6. Thanks + T +
  7. incredible work downloading now
  8. I totally agree, FBA-XXX its amazing, i stopped playing neogeo and cps2 on my PC, now its only FBA-XXX Pro. by the way, + T +, i would really want to see 720p implemented on fba-xxx pro, the reason its that in my case i have a 720p native display and a samsung dlp, and the upscaling process the tv does from 480p to 720p its causing a delay, i have get used to play with the delay, but it will be great to just eliminate it, i even buyed an iScan HD+, to replace the upsacaling the tv does, and let the iScan do it, and it helped, but there is still a delay of 3 or 4 frames and for fighting games it sucks, so 720p its something I would really, really appreciate. thanks in advance + T +
  9. Thanks man, i'll give it a try.
  10. MAMEdOX Platinum is great, by the I can't believe Battletoads is missing from your selection, adding the command.dat will be great too. I have something to ask, I use the ind-bios, and if i press back+white the xbox turns off, could you add a different combination to enter the in game menu?, I can disable that shortcut in the ind -bios.cfg, but I'll lose the poweroff function while I'am using mamedox platimun, it will be perfect if you could just change that combination, thanks.
  11. thanks Prican25.
  12. Hi + T +, I want to ask you something? a cpuple of friends and I play a lot kof 2002, both of them bring their xbox s-controllers and I noted that when I disconnect one controller to connect another, the shorcut buttons stop working, and I have to enter the menu and enable the shorcuts again, this happens aberytime a controller is disconnected, could you please look at it and if possible, fix it, thanks in advance.
  13. Great release + T +, keep up the excelent work.
  14. SmartXX V3, I like the smartxx since v2, I upgraded from v2 to v3 and sold the ones i had removed from my boards. Both of my L.E Xboxes are 1.0 with 128MB Ram upgrade, and I'm using the iND-BiOS 5003, my default dash is XBMC. I would like to have an LCD installed, or use an X3 Control Panel now that the smartxx v3 support X3 LCDs, but it will be only for the LCD, maybe I'll do that in the future, anyway I would recommend the SmartXX v3 or an X3CE.
  15. I would choose Smartxx v3, in fact I have installed one on each of my two xboxes, i like the eprom tools options and the 128 MB extended test for the aditional 64 MB, it has 4 MB onboard memory (3.5 usable), and I simply like smartxx OS, I have not had the chance to use an X3CE, but I am sure both have almost the same caracteristic, the one thig X3CE it is best its in documentation and support, you can find a lot of info about X3, but not so many on the Smartxx v3 or the versions before. another thing the samartxx is missing its a smartxx bios, you have to use a third party bios, on the X3 you can use the X3 bios plus any other third party bios you like.
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