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Everything posted by googlyoshka

  1. Actually, this demo has been uot for quite some time, though if you mean it is a new demo packed with DSemu, then yes, it is a new demo. I have had this demo for about a week already, and HyperDS showed screenshots of this demo running long before this post. Should we start a demo/homebrew thread where various members post any new info/links to new demos? It sounds like and interesting idea to me. I don't think that there is a thread like this already, but if there is, could somebody give a link to it, as I get almost all of the latest files sent to me through e-mail and I think I could make a decent contribution.
  2. Hello, I am newcomer to these forums, but I have been watching the DSemu project since the beginning. Dualis seems very impressive. I could run all of the demos I had for the DS, but there were some flaws that I could see. The main flaw was that on occasion, the touch screen would not refresh after you loded a new ROM. Still, it is quite impressive to see yet another DS Emulator making the scene, I only wish I could do the same. Anyways, I will post some info about the demo files I tested below... cube.bin - Runs Perfect! DesktopMan's Tetris Clone "TetrisDS" - Runs perfect if you load it first when you open Dualis. If you open a file, and load this after the first loaded file, it shows glitches. Though, I do not think this is a problem with Dualis, as I have noticed this error with HyperDS too. first.bin - Runs Perfect! 2d.bin - Runs Perfect! Also, this was the only demo I found to work on Dualis to use both screens! Mostly because this was the only demo that I had which was meant to use both screens ship.bin - Runs Perfect! tri.bin - Runs Perfect! I should be recieving natrium42's BattleshipDS homebrew game soon, so I will post what I find on that as well. Thanks for reading my first post here! lol EDIT: I forgot to post about ARMwrestler! So, here it is... armwrestler.bin - Works Perfect! Also... @Dooz: The ARMwrestler demo is supposed to show white at the top. MIC only needs one screen to show the tests, and he wanted to try and use the touch pad (lower screen) rather than the main screen (higher screen). Also, the TetrisDS that was released by DesktopMan is supposed to only play on the main screen. He did later make an edit which played it on both screens, but this was never released, and only shown on a picture he posted on his site.
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