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  1. Well I have MAME32K 0.69 and when I play Double Dragon or others the sound repeats like for ex: One scene a I punch something then the sound plays and then plays again. Any ideas?
  2. Yeah I got it already thanks for helping though.
  3. Yeah I had to update my fba xxx pro so I could play kof10th and the fixes and stuff. I accidentaly deleted the fba xxx 6.03 file with the patch.bat now I have it though and kof10th works.I just need Kof2k3up.zip and i'll be good for my 1 week vacation.
  4. Can someone help me with finding fba xxx 6.03 the release that you need to patch with the default.ips
  5. The kof comics werent that bad I read them at kof online but they stoped posting the comic scans when playmore took over(you know legal stuff).
  6. True I've been doing that with Power Instinct Matrimeele and will probably be done today.
  7. Nope its just a notepad file inside the moves folder of the recent FBA xxx pro release, it just has the name of moves in some games and their respective commands.
  8. The recent release of FBA xxx pro has a move list for some games and I was wondering if there was a svc chaos move list and other games. This is probably out of the question but where can I download it? Not sure if this is legal in the forums though since its not a ware or roms etc.
  9. ha ha yeah your right
  10. I havent been on in a while but has there been any word on emulating the new Atomis Wave system.I'm guessing it would take a whole new encryption based system correct?
  11. Can someone help please, I have FBA-XXX pro working perfectly but when I try to launch Rage of the Dragons (Fully Decrypted) it brings up the following: *No Rom Requests* - PRican Graphical data is missing My heart broke when I saw this since I've been trying to play the newer neo geo games for a month and a half now and it never works. If anyone can help it will be appreciated alot and if you can you can send the neccesary files through email to me at * with a _ between Ohwow and 6 Thanks in advance.
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