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Everything posted by Rag

  1. My tag is BacchusWine My gold expired recently so I have to get another 12 month card when they're on sale. I've got COD4, GOW, Beautiful Katamari, UT3, and DOA4 right now.
  2. The Big Nothing A not very good dark comedy, watched for Simon Pegg but unfortunately he played an American in it.
  3. If its centered around RED EYE... I wonder if they'll even put Julia in it. Spike uses a form similar to Jeet Kune Do right? I don't see Keanu being able to flow in combat like Spike does. Cowboy Bebop is kinda "americanized" imo
  4. I was hoping for something a step up from SF2V but I was being silly
  5. so that street fighter IV movie was complete shite...
  6. ah poor luck :/ if only it just needed a good nights rest and would be up and running tomorrow? wishful thinking...
  7. This is a little necropostish but I'm probably gonna start Act Raiser soon and it looks great. Isn't Faxanadu on the NES?
  8. Spike always had that cocky smile he did in CB, usually around women. I dont think Keanu has that "coolness" Spike portrays. "hey guys, theres a bomb on the bus"
  9. Hello all! I'm really into emulation and looking forward to using the site. Looks great!
  10. Ah same as my friend, excellent school for arts and film.
  11. Good luck on your project. A good friend of mine is studying to go into directing/production. Making amateur and no budget films is a good way to start even if its something stupid like filming a fake movie or fake music video. I remember we used to make extensive use of green screen when we were kids and made dumb videos.
  12. I was wondering when manfaye was going to show up on this thread...
  13. Scrubs is the only show I can think of that can make me laugh and cry but not for the same reasons
  14. GOW COD 4 Perfect Dark Zero DOA 4 UT3 Phantasy Star Universe Beautiful Katamari Sega Superstars Tennis others perhaps? my xbla all got stolen by microsoft, I hate them I hate boom boom rocket too
  15. I'm in Hera's boat with this one, I must have missed/ignored those, what interviews?
  16. And please please.... POST FOREVER!!! Tsk tsk GC, you make 1emu sound so desperate...
  17. His first line just broke me out in laughter, "Hey Logan, remember me your buddy Deadpool... I shot you!" lol I wished that crew would have redid the whole Weapon X Arc. I really enjoyed it. AS for Thor, the only thing i got from that is how much his kingdom sucks ass, and the witch's (i forgot her name, the one who wants Thor be didnt get him) huge boobs stuffed into her outfit. . Even Thor was getting his ass kicked, it was kind of bogus in my opinion... The witch (Enchantress but close enough) had some odd behavior in that movie as well. Is it just a coincidence that you posted that at the time (where I am at least) that corresponds with my birth month and day Fatal? How thoughtful of you
  18. They tied Hulk Vs Wolverine well with the "new" cartoon. I thought it was definitely better than Hulk Vs Thor although it was cool to see the Asgardians try to repel Hulk.
  19. I thought of Spikeanu when I read this and all I could do is sigh.
  20. So there isn't that much information besides its announcement a while back along with some casting information but since its such a popular anime I figure theres going to be opinions on it. What do you guys think of this? I'm deathly afraid of Keanu as Spike. I don't want this to suck but what can you really expect.
  21. His contract "vanished" according to Marvel. They literally lost it. http://scifiwire.com/2009/04/iron-mans-terrence-howard.php There was some falling out between Marvel and Howard. I'm not too sure about Cheadle as War Machine. I just can't picture it yet.
  22. I forgot to mention SG-1 and Atlantis And Farscape along with that I suppose
  23. Seeing as how I just re-watched every episode of Scrubs once again I thought this would be an appropriate topic. Mine are Scrubs and Spaced, I wish Spaced didn't die out after only 14 eps.
  24. Mega Man series for NES Or maybe a plethora of old DOS games
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