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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Rag

  1. Good review, cleared up some parts of the game for me. I always wanted to try this game out, I like these "epic battle" type things but I don't have a PS2.
  2. Mega Man Legends - Bonne Family Theme Why I don't know...
  3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Death Of A Martian
  4. I bet following this is a huge influx of children taking the bus at night.
  5. Welcome to the forums Raksmey.
  6. I can't believe you would ask us
  7. Insanity ensues! Welcome back Someboddy!
  8. Actually, it's true, it's a glitch in the game itself. Theres a specific method without using a cheating device to fight and capture Mew. I just did some research I guess you are right. Back when I played it though I don't think there was any verifiable way to get Mew. I should go play it again
  9. No it wasn't you would just fight some stupid glitchy pokemon not Mew.
  10. I'm sorry, are you allowed to use the word boner and still get a post count?
  11. Yeah a debate section where we can all fight amongst ourselves. A place where we can feel free to post whatever #%@*(%#*!(%* and #%*(@#% or %@*(%#*!%#! we #%*!(@#%in want.
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