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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Rag

  1. Yea Thats when



    You Find out that Magneto Still Has his powers Even after he has 3 "Cures" Lunged in him while he was playing chess. He was moving one of the peices(Which happened to be metal) with his Powers(Which we assumed he didnt have)



    I like the movie tho. I didnt like X-1. X2 is the better one


    You find out more than that :D

  2. Three was fine besides the butchering of parts of the storyline. I was aware of the spin-offs like Wolverine and Magneto but thats cool that they are making X-men 4. I guess they couldn't really end it with what happened after the credits in X-men 3 too. Right now though I'm just waiting for Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four 2, and Spidey 3.

  3. Oh please, how many people inhabit the united states right now?

    300 million?

    I hardly think that the government is going to be tapping all 300 million telephones--and the telephones that they do tap, they probably have reason to tap.

    Be realistic here, god damn.


    Its not the fact that they tap some phones, its the fact that they tap phones at all. Its unamerican.

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