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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Rag

  1. i guess i could be considered a democrat and i don't even really like Hillary, Its not because shes a woman its just because she seems like a huge asshole to me. Shes a little too anti-gaming for my liking too. But i supposed she will be better than the other choice whoever that ends up being.


    Thats how i feel about her too. I don't think I've ever seen her smile.

  2. Post in here for any game that you play but haven't been able to quite beat yet. This works best with arcade games because you can't always play them. What I mean is games that you would go to the arcade to play, you don't beat it but you go back every time you are there to try your luck.


    Mine on arcade is definitely this old shooter called Police Trainer. You basically just choose various challenges and have to do tasks with the gun. These challenges are based on time, accuracy, and perception. It never seems like that tough of a game but I can never beat it. Several times though it was due to the gun's failure to work correctly :)


    Anything else I'd have to say the original Age of Empire's campaigns. Although I've attempted some before and just stopped after losing a map, this is probably more due to laziness.

  3. My opinion would be to go custom if you are skilled with computer hardware or know someone who is. It can save you plenty of money plus you can get exactly what you want. I haven't had a pre-made computer in a long time. If you do decide to go custom though, you might wanna look for things in bundles in certain situations like a processor that comes with a motherboard (both that you are looking for, this can be rare but can save you lots of money).

  4. Read the manga Mooney. The series creators took their own initiative and finished the second half of the series before the manga. It shows....


    Still worth watching, but you'll be left wanting more after the series ends. Nothing like the manga mind you.

    Will do. *Off to download some Gantz!*


    Thats odd, I was just researching Gantz the other day to see if it was any good. I heard its got a lot of more "adult" things in it (violence, sex, etc.)

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