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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Rag

  1. I got mastery over some after years of playing old NES platformers among others.


    Mega Man 1-6

    Monkey Island Games (Knowing everthing to do at all times)

    Super Mario 3

    Super Mario World

    Vigilante 8 (Many of these type of car games as well)

  2. I would cheer for the Bears, except for two reasons:

    1. The Tank Johnson incident - Apparently, it would be horrible and world-ending if he didn't carry out his full two game suspension for drugs/guns etc. No, the Bears HAD to have him play in a totally unimportant game against the Packers, which, by the way, Rex Grossman publicly said he did not prepare for. <_<

    2. Lovie Smith - When the Bears first hired him, he said all he wanted to do was beat the Packers. That's just plain sleazy. He does not deserve to win. Nuff said.


    1 and 2. The Packers game was very important to the team. In case you don't know the Packers and Bears have a great rivalry between them. I don't blame them for playing Tank or for Lovie saying what he did. Then again, we all saw how bad that game turned out for them.

    Oh, I am quite aware of the rivalry. Having grown up in Wisconsin, I do believe I understand it enough. I'm not sure you understand why I think the Tank Johnson thing is bullshit.

    About a year ago, the night before a completely unimportant Bears game (which had no effect on playoff status or anything) the Bears held a meeting for sports analysts at ESPN, as they usually do. In that meeting, the Bears announced who they were going to have start at QB. An ESPN intern who had been at the meeting leaked the info to a radio station, which then publicly broadcast it. Now, remember that this wasa COMPLETELY unimportant game, and that it was the night before. The Bears got in a big huff, and said they would never talk to ESPN again unless the intern, who was not being payed anyway, was fired. Now, after one of their players got into trouble with DRUGS, they couldn't have him out for two games, oh no! They thought he should get a second chance!

    Hypocrisy, that's what that is.


    I believe your bias comes from the second sentence in your response :P

  3. I would cheer for the Bears, except for two reasons:

    1. The Tank Johnson incident - Apparently, it would be horrible and world-ending if he didn't carry out his full two game suspension for drugs/guns etc. No, the Bears HAD to have him play in a totally unimportant game against the Packers, which, by the way, Rex Grossman publicly said he did not prepare for. <_<

    2. Lovey Smith - When the Bears first hired him, he said all he wanted to do was beat the Packers. That's just plain sleazy. He does not deserve to win. Nuff said.


    1 and 2. The Packers game was very important to the team. In case you don't know the Packers and Bears have a great rivalry between them. I don't blame them for playing Tank or for Lovie saying what he did. Then again, we all saw how bad that game turned out for them.

  4. If you are only watching for the halftime show... what the hell is wrong with you. Woulda been nice to see the Patriots against he Bears again just like XX. I think the Bears will take out the Colts though. Not so worried about Manning although the Bears pass defense sucks. I'm more worried about Grossman's pass percentage.

  5. I'm going through one of those games which I bought, play, and hate. The only thing that keeps me going in it is that its actually a good game it just is very frustrating and tedious. The game is Spellforce for PC but thinking about it, I've had games in the past which I just had to beat because I wasted money on them. Anyone have any games like that? Help anyone who reads this so they don't buy it :(

  6. Windows Vista is nearly ready to be released fully to the public. I didn't really pay much attention to it until now and was just wondering what are your thoughts about it. Do you think its worth it? It doesn't seem too special to me :(

  7. In all honesty anyone who holds some kind of weapon and is supposed to enforce justice should not be acting like this. I think its too easy to become a police officer when it is such an important job. The requirements for being one should be much higher along with making sure the person knows what the hell they are doing.

  8. are you being sarcastic or something?


    None of my consoles have had this happen to them, i dont really get it, it didnt happen to any of my computers or anything.


    I think its more to do with people who smoke in their house (although i do smoke my hookah inside, but that hasnt been for very long)


    Also the people who don't really care for their systems meaning they spill stuff on it and don't even both to clean it until its too late.

  9. Get back to me when high end cards aren't $800 for something thats just a little bit faster with a little more memory. Fanboys F**KING SUCK, and are the ONLY reason that GPU makers have a severe lack of innovation, yet can still get people to pay $800 for a video card that requires a 2nd power supply.


    I agree wholeheartedly. At this point I don't see that much reason to have such an expensive card. Yeah sure its nice to have one but by the time that its actually necessary the prices will be so much lower. I'll wait until they create a better way to dish these out either cheaper or something else.

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