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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Rag

  1. I love Gradius, was so much fun when I played as a kid.
  2. FF VII, one of my first and was also what got me heavily into RPGs. Overall, maybe IV though.
  3. Why don't you just save your money instead of spending it on useless things?
  4. It is kind of loud, but the noise from the game should usually overlap the system's noise unless you are sitting right next to it. Besides that you tend to notice things like noise right when you get something. I would say just give it some time and you'll just phase out the system's internal noise.
  5. And now for the response everyone hates: Switch ISPs
  6. Wow level 1408 already? Seems like yesterday you just made 1000
  7. I think its usually the other way around, like if you go out then time will go faster.
  8. Dj Alligator Project vs Gigi D Agostino - Blow My Whistle
  9. Basically release my full potential in all aspects of my life. No use holding back.
  10. I'm also an ATI user but I can't stand the CCC.
  11. Happy new year all. Have a good time and watch out for the new years day hangover monster!
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