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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Rag

  1. my processor is a intel pentium 4 so i have to get a new motherboard and a new processor?


    thanks for helping me out guys.


    like take out the cpu cooling fan take off the little lever and remove the thermal grease of the processor and its as good as new?


    but it has to be compatible with my new mobo


    Well, yes, but you need to replace the thermal grease. Without it the thing will overheat. So to do that basically you just have to remove the heatsink and work from there.


    And yeah it has to be compatible with new mobo. Also make sure that the new mobo meets the requirements of your other parts such as the RAM and video card.

  2. no thats not true that would be retarded


    what kind of processor is it? ill try and find you a good mobo (I need to know type, socket type)


    Specify what is retarded. If you mean replacing the heatsink, its a well thought out precaution and avoids certain risks.

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