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Everything posted by Rag

  1. I figured I'd put this topic in here because it is possibly a problem with my PC. Anyways, I just recently bought a wireless network adapter for my 360 to try and get on live and needed wireless since the modem is 2 floors above the 360. So I run the tests and it recognizes the network but fails the obtain IP address test. When I check the settings an IP address is listed though. My modem is connected to a router and there are two more PCs connected to that through wireless adapters but those work. The 360 on the other hand does not. Maybe its a location problem? But whats the point of wireless if you can't be away from the modem? So it identifies my linksys network and lists that and in the settings shows an IP address, but the test for IP address comes up as failed so I cannot connect. Any suggestions anyone? EDIT: Nevermind, I think my port forwarding got the thing running, time to go have some fun
  2. I thought the offline mode kinda sucks, I haven't even tried the online mode. Basically I wasn't as impressed as I thought I would be with this game.
  3. I can't really say, after working at places where during Christmas all they play is the music for it, it just kinda drives me nuts. I'll only usually listen to it when its really close to Christmas.
  4. Especially the arena mode, just nonstop twitch shooting.
  5. 3 days without a post in here, disgusting. Sublime - Wrong Way
  6. Or just plain Unreal 1 and the mission pack. Best "twitch shooter" is probably SiN or SiN Episodes. Kinda like a much faster paced HL. And I hated SS2 too, played it for like 1 hour then deleted it.
  7. Everything I hear about the Japanese and games seems to point to the fact that they love portables.
  8. Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough
  9. This shouldn't affect anything, Kramer is Kramer, nothing, racial or not, can change that.
  10. When burning an audio CD with Nero, is there any way to set an option or something to automatically randomize the tracks rather than drag and drop them randomly? I'm using version
  11. I don't think thats even possible. Probably just some attention whore who came up with some bogus story to get in the news.
  12. Within flight sims, I would say the X series was pretty good along with an old one, Terminal Velocity. Joysticks are more of a thing of the past.
  13. Anything except what GC decides to censor *cough* Elena as an avatar
  14. Happy birthday James! Fridays always make great birthdays!
  15. Just like Spidey 3, I can't wait for this movie. I have a feeling it could be pretty bad, but I could watch all the Rocky movies over and over and not be sick of them. I love those little Rocky 1-4 or 5 marathons that they have on TV.
  16. Regular radio stations and from friends. Occasionally I'll see something in a top list of some sort and check it out.
  17. Clinton's presidency was possibly the best thing that has happened for the U.S. economy. Basically, regardless of all the scandal, he was a smart man and knew what he was doing.
  18. Is it identical to PSO? Not at all actually. Its much smoother but at the same time, aspects of it are not as fun. I haven't tried out multiplayer yet but single player seems kinda boring. PSO was repetitive, but each time you ran through there was new stuff to get too. The weapons are kinda the same as far as i've seen, some new stuff too though. Just finished beating another level of No One Lives Forever 2, one of those games i've been playing over a month or so now.
  19. http://www.onehitwondercentral.com/80s.cfm This sites got a list of one hit wonders of the 1980's which everyone has heard before.
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