Sh!!!!t That sucks man! Well, kick it! yea... lacking indeed. Im going to grab Star Ocean. Then eventually I'll get Lost Odyssey and Mass Effect. Hows Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery? I can never go by anyones published score system. Dragons Age comes out OCT 20th, I'll likely pick that up too. I have seen it, and I cannot abide this game. It is too... not my thing. I know it's a "good" game and it's from a long line of great games... but. It's too cute. I don't do cute. Thanks for the advice, but Id never do that, I treat my toys with the utmost care. I finished Infinite Undiscovery recently and I really liked it tbh. The voice acting is horrendous and the characters are ridiculous at times but the game has a charm to it. The achievements are pretty fun too. There is a lot of walking around in the game though. The action-RPG style of it makes it easy to grind and such although it can be somewhat annoying to sheath/unsheath sword every time you see an enemy.