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Posts posted by Rag

  1. Well this really doesn't have much to do with emulation but I thought maybe someone can help. I recently got a new video card, an ATI Radeon 9600 Pro. I'm having problems with some things though. In every game I play that has a quicksave feature, everytime I quicksave for about a min or 2 after I quicksave the game gets jumpy and I guess frameskips. The jumpiness also happens sometimes when I'm not even doing anything on the desktop. The mouse just jumps around when I move it instead of going smoothly.


    This also sometimes happens when loading in a game too. Its really annoying. Even older games have this problem which and they really shouldn't. Does anyone know anything that could help please?

  2. Great post Gamecop, its true as well. I only have one problem with roms, people want them too bad. If people would just wait, and be patient stupid things wouldn't happen. I don't really think you should worry about when a rom comes out. I myself have Samurai Showdown 5, and have had it since about a week after it came out, but I haven't even played it yet. You shouldn't be in such a rush to get a new rom, the greed will make things worse.


    I think that Gamecop did the right thing with the liar. We don't need a bunch of commotion and accusations because someone made a post that was untrue. This just creates more problem.

  3. Well I've looked ALL over and have found a lot of complaints from PC users who bought this game. I'm like the biggest Deus Ex fan around, and I've been waiting for this game for a long time. I beat it once and I think it has great replayability so I played again and got real far but I got to this one part, the Templar church, but any way I try to leave the place, the game freezes during the loadtime no matter what and it pisses me off a lot. This game is real buggy and crashes a lot.


    I've heard of people editing the.ini files to enhance gameplay, can someone help me with this problem?

  4. Well I've finally done it. I've finally collected the full versions of all 5 of the Legacy of Kain games. As much as a pain it was, I finally did it. I had 3, but couldn't find Blood Omen (some of you probably know because I whined so much on the request any rom :-D) but I eventually found that. Today I managed to find Defiance for PC, I don't know why but it was hard to find. You can see, I'm pretty satisfied with my work -_-


    If you want post any collection of games your proud of here :(

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