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Posts posted by Rag

  1. Its not the dvd drive... did you really think I'd post this if it was THAT simple? The sound is there as soon as I turn on the console and when I'm not playing games. Even if nothings in the dvd-drive. For example, if I'm watching a video through a usb flash drive on the 360, the noise is there and it makes me want to shoot a baby.


    When games aren't installed and I play a game, the whirring from the dvd-drive is like a jet taking off, and I'm WELL AWARE of that sound, but this is not that.




    please no "send it in to microsoft for a fix" either

  2. I've got one of those Jasper chipset 360s and it makes these really annoying humming/whirring/SOMETIMES high pitched noise that is extremely irritating. It seems to go away after a while (maybe I'm just ignoring it) but I want to know if theres a fix. Anyone else have this problem/solution?

  3. I've run onto a bumpy road with one forum in particular, but I still keep catching myself returning to the website and logging back in constantly, what are some good methods of leaving a forum and never returning?


    Also, get yourself banned... go out with a bang

  4. I would never leave you guys.


    It isn't this forum, the forum that I am trying to leave is filled with seemingly immature teenagers who stick one mistake to your name and refuse to take it away, I'm just fed up with the community as a whole and me posting there at the moment is completely futile.


    You're right it can't be this forum because according to some other thread, everyone here is ooolllldddd

  5. I've run onto a bumpy road with one forum in particular, but I still keep catching myself returning to the website and logging back in constantly, what are some good methods of leaving a forum and never returning?


    You're leaving us?


    Fine, just gtfo... easy

  6. I noticed there are ALOT of 30 or damn near 30 year olds here.


    Why do you think that is?

    us old dudes remember the glory days and want to relive them through emulation. I don't know on many 13 year olds who are excited to play arcade and console games from the 80's.


    oh yeah I am 34. :P


    That's cause most kids these days are spoiled trash. They think the internet has always existed (And NOBODY has dial-up anymore), 3D graphics are the way things have always been, games and movies aren't cool if they don't have guns and titties in them (I like me some guns n titties, but FFS!), your car isn't cool unless it has 65HP and tries to sound like it has 500hp and a stereo that makes the trunk vibrate louder than the music playing.


    I hate today's kids........most of them that is.


    You forgot to mention, you get a complimentary cell phone at birth nowadays :huh:

  7. Just started Phantasy Star 1 for SMS


    These old rpgs never lose their charm on me

    Ahh the games where all the spells are named crazzy sh!t and you dont get a discription...


    Thats the one. Beat it after grueling frustration. Tried to play 2, but its too soon.


    Been trying to get the achievements in Luxor 2 but that game is so bad and annoying and boring that I want to gouge my eyes out. Damn me for having achievement addiction.

  8. We can live off the land as long as we're not lazy. People are too lazy to do manual labor so it would never work. There are seeds everywhere and the know-how....it's just not convenient for most.


    But no matter what steps the government takes, no matter what jobs are lost or gained, we're inevitably going to be in debt to China. They have all the cards and they're biding their time. It's too late for us I think.


    Agrarian economies usually fail. There has never been PROPER coordination between farmers and government for sustained periods. That is why so many uprisings in history have been results of mistreatment of peasants.


    The U.S. is in debt to everyone, the national deficit is almost 11 trillion. But it doesn't mean jack realistically. It will never be payed off.


    Also there is economic crisis in China as well, like I said, one weakness in the chain and things can go wrong globally.



    You're right but I'm talking about a situation where everything crashes and there is no economy. People can survive regardless. I'm not talking about farmers and government. I'm talking about humanity in general. If everything crashed and money had no use, we can still live.


    China's "crisis" has an upside unlike ours. The economic "stimulus package" that China's rulers have announced will likely do actual good for ordinary people. New low-cost housing, much-needed new railroad lines, and a universal healthcare system are examples of "domestic spending" that were not in the government's budget before the recession hit. This recession in the economy might contribute to an end to one-party rule. If it gets worse, it will change its politics.


    Every crisis has government responses and its impossible to tell what the result will be. Stimulus plans can easily go either way. The only real way to tell is to take a retrospective look, so I wouldn't jump the gun on that one.


    I don't think society can have "no economy". The economy exists regardless of what we want or don't want. What you seem to get at is a bartering system (there has to be some way to exchange/acquire goods and services for humanity to work), which is still an economy. Regardless, it wouldn't work because the cost of finding what you need is too high and trade costs would be ridiculously under managed and exploited. Imagine the economy of an MMORPG in real life :blink:


    Besides, economies grow along side other developments. To shift one aspect of a society, such as the economy, into "non-existance" would most likely have a ripple effect that would harm other parts of society as well.

  9. We can live off the land as long as we're not lazy. People are too lazy to do manual labor so it would never work. There are seeds everywhere and the know-how....it's just not convenient for most.


    But no matter what steps the government takes, no matter what jobs are lost or gained, we're inevitably going to be in debt to China. They have all the cards and they're biding their time. It's too late for us I think.


    Agrarian economies usually fail. There has never been PROPER coordination between farmers and government for sustained periods. That is why so many uprisings in history have been results of mistreatment of peasants.


    The U.S. is in debt to everyone, the national deficit is almost 11 trillion. But it doesn't mean jack realistically. It will never be payed off.


    Also there is economic crisis in China as well, like I said, one weakness in the chain and things can go wrong globally.

  10. It's so sad..why can't people just use common sense?


    Wash your hands, sneeze and cough with your mouth covered, and keep some sanitizer or something!


    I try not to be prejudiced but this is ridiculous...they constantly reproduce and live off our money and bring up unnecessary diseases along with them.


    There was an earthquake there as well. Like we need another reason for them to run up here. For the ones who do it right, I commend them but it's extremely rare. Especially living in Florida....good Lord.


    BTW, it's a misconception that you can get the virus from pork. It's not spread through food...so eat your bacon boys.


    But you CAN get Hep A from ill-prepared food. Not to mention a plethora of bacterial infections. Dysentery ftw!

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