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Posts posted by Rag

  1. I see. Hey another quick question lol. How come sometimes while playing MAME on kaillera, it seemed like you went into a different game? I would still be playing, but it would be like the Cpu and u'd be in a different game. That was when I had 56k though, maybe thats y?

  2. Well when that happens, I'll gladly play any TMNT games with anyone :) along with that, any of the great multiplayer SNES games.


    On another note, I was thinking that Mario Party would be a great game to play on kaillera. N64 works with Kaillera rite? Anyone every try that game on kaillera?

  3. Game: Postal 2

    System: PC

    Emulators: None


    One thing I gotta say about this game, "wheeeee" I first got this game because I was looking for a good FPS that you could have some fun with. By far this is one of the most free, fun FPS's i've ever played. The great thing about this game is that its just like real life, except its just a bit more hectic. Ok, A LOT more hectic, but thats why its fun. You start out in a small, rural town in Arizona called Paradise. Don't be fooled by the name, this town is NOTHING like paradise hahaha. Your name, oddly enough, is Postal Dude. P Dude's house is actually a trailer in which he lives with his wife/girlfriend. Your job: run errands. Sounds stupid? Just give it a try. Its hilarious what you can do in this game. There is a wide variety of weapons. Anything from stun guns to rocket launchers, from diseased cow heads to plainly just pissing on people. Sounds weird huh? You bet it does, but its weird in a funny way. Don't think that you can just go around doing whatever you want though. Theres cops out to get you if you are doing something illegal. Let me remind you though, this game is a little bit intense, but its not that bad. Lotsa gory stuff, but I think its a great humorous FPS.




    So lets see, I'll give you an example here of what I mean by freedom in this game. Your first errand in the game is to go and buy some milk. This is pretty fun, even though its just the first mission. You start to walk into town and you can do whatever you want on the way. Go rob a house, go annoy the hell outta other characters, or just go galavanting all over town with your fly down (but watch out for the cops) Anyways you eventually get to the local market. Here you find the milk after making some racial comments about the store (I won't spoil your game's funnyness) and you can do a few things. You can pay the $10 it is, or you can steal it. Stealing it causes the owner to get REALLY pissed at you, he'll bring out his guns. Anyways thats what I mean by freedom. Freedom to do whatever you feel like to make you happy. There are also many various items in the game. Some you will come across are errand items, money, or health packs.




    One incredibally annoying thing about this game is the loading times. This game is seperated into parts, I believe it uses the Unreal Engine. So say you go from one part of town to another, it takes like seriously 2 minutes to load. Luckily though, the people at Running With Scissors (company that made Postal 2) came out with a patch that decreased loading times to about 10-20 seconds (thank god) I couldn't play the game without the patch honestly. I will rate the speed of the game based on the patched version, if I didn't it would be about a 4 or 5... Another great feature about this game is there are many cool NPCs. Theres Running with Scissors associates, everyday people, and even Gary Coleman. He is the celebrity guest star of the game. There are also many stores in the game. There are stores for armor, drugs, and misc. items. These usually cost a lot of money though.


    The game's "levels" are days. Each day things get more hectic, and you travel more through out town. Usually, the errands get harder as the days go by. You start of in Monday, nothing too hard here. This review is basically Postal 2 in a nutshell. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to have a great time with a game. It made me laugh uncontrollably at parts, its just that funny (to me at least) If your looking for a good laugh in a game, definatly get this entertaining game. I believe the price around here is still at $50, but it should decrease soon due to the fact that the game is getting older.


    Speed - 8

    Gameplay - 10

    Graphics - 10

    Sound - 10


    Overall Score - 9.5

    Grade - A


    Overall I give this game a :)


  4. Goukens rite :o, I was impressed when I first came here as well. This my favorite Emu forum of course. That introduce yourself thread sounds like a good idea Gamecop :) I haven't seen this attack system, I might want to check that out if 1emu is gonna get one.

  5. This has to be one of Capcom's greatest game series. I know that they made Zero-3 for Gamecube, but I kinda lost track, did they or are they gonna make Code Veronica X? I know they are eventually gonna come out with Resident Evil 4. I've got this movie of it, it looks pretty awesome. Leon's (the main character in RE 4) clothes remind me of Terry's from Garou :) I wonder what the date for RE 4 is.

  6. I was thinking about this during school bcuz I got really bored. What would you think would be your "theme music" for a game? Or what theme would you like to have, like say you were a character, or if you entered a room in real life or something it would play the music. Weird question I know :) I myself would have to say the theme from Age of Mythology.

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