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Posts posted by Rag

  1. Over the time I've surfed the net, I've found some pretty nice sites. Heres a list of some random sites I thought were pretty useful.


    http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/ - For all your UT/UT2k3 Skin needs


    http://vega78.tripod.com/main.html - Small bios on random fighting game characters.


    http://www.the-underdogs.org/ - Great site for freeware.


    http://www.playagain.net/ - Only good MAME rom site I can find rite now


    Those are a few, I'm sure I know more, I just can't think of them rite now. There are also many "planet" sites that feature pretty good games such as www.planetunreal.com or www.planetdeusex.com.


    I know these links are pretty random, but I hope they help some people with anything they need :(

  2. Game: Neverwinter Nights

    System: PC

    Emulators: Don't need one


    This is a game i've recently been working on in my spare time. This game is pretty good, lots of options on how you do things. Its basically a traditional RPG in the sense that you control someone else's life, you role play their life. You start out in the town of Neverwinter, a once great city. Recently, the town has decayed due to an unforseen plague that struck the people. Now you wander around, gathering quests from the leaders of the town to help the people or if you want, to help yourself. What I mean by that is you can be in it for the fame, the fortune, or just because you feel bad for the sickened people. Trust me though, there is more to the plague then meets the eye, its your job to discover the truth behind this mysterious disease.




    So your probably asking, just who are "you"? Well thats one thing i honestly love about games is the ability to make your own character. This game is very complicated when it comes to abilities and such. First thing you choose is what gender you would like. After that you choose a race. The races are Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dwarf, Gnome, and Halfling. Each race has its own benefits as well as its own umm antibenefits?? I can't think of the word. After that you choose a portrait for your character. Then comes the class. The classes are anything from Barbarians to Rogues, Wizards to Fighters. You get to choose what class you want and depending on the class, you have different abilities and powers. After this you get to choose your ability points. By this I mean you get to choose your strength, dexterity, etc. Certain points are vital for certain classes, make sure you choose wisely, or just click the recommended button. Anyways after a whole lot of choosing, you get to customize your character's looks, voice, and name. Then your ready to start this great, long game.




    The gameplay itself is pretty good. You have many options in what you do. You may feel like robbing people blind, or you may be a messiah. This is a pretty cool aspect in any game, the aspect of freedom of choice. The only problem with this game is it can be quite repetetive after a while. Another cool feature is the weapons. There is a wide variety of weapons you can choose or make in a forge. Along with the weapons are armor and other misc. items. Once you get used to the game, you will feel more adjusted to it. I don't think there is any way you can explain the whole game and make people feel 100% comfortable about playing it. This game just has too much in it to summarize in a review. So if your a fan of Dungeons and Dragons style RPGs, go ahead and try Neverwinter Nights. With the recent price drop i've seen here in the U.S., it appears to only be $20, well, thats how much I spent on it :D


    Speed - 8.5

    Gameplay - 10

    Graphics - 9

    Sound - 10


    Overall Score - 9.3

    Grade - A


    Overall I give this game a :(



  3. Game: Blood Omen 2

    System: PC, PS2, Gamecube, Xbox

    Emulators: None


    Ever have the taste for that red stuff, thicker than water? Not wine, but blood. Well thats what this game is all about. In this game you take the role of Kain, a great vampire leader. Or at least he WAS a great vampire leader. A time before this game begins, Kain fought against a vampire hunting legion called the Sarafan. Kain, armed with his great weapon, the Soul Reaver, was expected to win completely. He would have, but the Sarafan Lord had a weapon that would negate the powers of the reaver. Now Kain awakens, and seeks revenge and meets new allies along the way.





    This game is an actionous RPG. The game has a 3rd person view to it. As you progress in this game you recieve various power ups and new abilities. These abilities are recieved from bosses, and in parts, are necessary to finish the game. Your health is of course, a vial of blood. The annoying thing about this is since you are a vampire, you NEED blood to survive. If you go too long without it, your vial gradually drips, draining your health. You usually will find some innocent to suck dry on the way though, so its not too bad. One element I found great about this game is the fighting. You can pick up weapons enemies drop and use them yourself. It is fun to see the different ways Kain can kill with different weapons in my opinion. You may also increase the total of your blood vial by finding these boxes that contain magical properties. You suck these boxes dry, and when the other vial you have fills, the blood vial increases. This game goes by in chapters. Usually, every other chapter there is a boss fight. The bosses require some thinking, as does the rest of the game. So in a way, you could say its partly a puzzle game.




    The fun thing about this game is you basically take control of the bad guy, instead of the good. Although you could argue what Kain is, he is bad and good. He is a badass though, I will say that. If you ever felt the need to be "bad", and have some sort of blood lust (hopefully you don't, but thats not my business) I recommend playing Blood Omen 2. Also, if you like this game's story, there are 4 other games from this series. The series name is Legacy of Kain. There is Blood Omen 1, Soul Reaver 1, Soul Reaver 2, and the newest one Legacy of Kain: Defiance. So if you play this game, happy sucking! (blood that is)


    Speed - 8

    Gameplay - 9

    Graphics - 9

    Sound - 10


    Overall score - 9.0

    Grade - A


    Overall, I give this game a :rolleyes:



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