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Posts posted by Rag

  1. Deus Ex one is NO GOOD for multiplayer, trust me. All it is, is repetetive. Plus, when i tryed the multiplayer patch, it messed around with some stuff in single player and i got bugs. So if your looking for a good multiplayer game, you might wanna get something else. As far as multiplayer for Deus Ex 2 goes, I have no clue, but I think it will have it.

  2. Hmm I was just thinking about this. I've come up with a small list of games I completely wouldn't mind reviewing. Not that I would mind reviewing other games, but these ones I could do easily because I'm so used to them:

    Deus Ex

    Unreal Tournament

    Postal 2

    Soul Reaver 1/2

    Blood Omen 2

    Final Fantasy VII

    Giants Citizen Kabuto


    Age of Mythology /Expansion pack

    Neverwinter Nights

    Unreal 2


    I'm sure theres more, I just can't think of them right now. Those are all PC games as well. If you want a review on any of those, go ahead and request it, or if you want a review on a different game, I can try that too because I've played many games :D

  3. :D they aren't very good because I just slopped em together in like 20 mins, but if you requested, I'd put some time and effort into it lol. One of em was the Raziel avatar I used, that was my first one so it wasn't very good. The other is just one of Protoman warping in and doing a finger pointing thing, its kind of choppy, but I know how to fix that.
  4. Hahaha... Jedi Academy.. you did that on purpose diso lol... (I really don't like that game, but i'll be fair :D) BTW I have the game, but I haven't really gotten anywhere in it yet... if I did a review right now on it, it would be inaccurate, sry ;) If theres any other games though, I'll be glad to review em. On the meantime, I've been working on Neverwinter Nights, but after that I might play Jedi Academy again, then I can review it I guess.

  5. Hey, i've ujst begun to start the giant adventure which is creating animated gifs ;) If anyone wants one to be made, you can ask me. Theres no guarantee that I will be able to make one due to sprite sheet finding, but if theres one you want to ask for, or if you have the sprite sheet, you can ask me to *attempt* to make one for you :D

  6. Really? I think it should be at least a little more active. I dunno about other emu forums, but i'm hoping for more active users here, that would be great. I think there is one key element or something that is missing from the forums, something fun maybe, I don't know, I'll try to think of new ideas for a fun game or something along those lines for this forum... something addicting perhaps...

  7. ;) well that didn't happen. I faced Diso last nite with Ken and he was Ryu and Dan... I can't remember who won, I think I beat him when he was Dan but then he killed me with Ryu, Oh well B) Looking forward to next time we play when you use Guy so I can TRY to beat you with Adon :D
  8. I have to go out and buy some of this 75% off candy ;) Sounds good to me. Those giant bags mmmmm.... yea gamecop, my parents used to do the same thing with the candy... well sorta, they would offer me money though hahaha so it was more a deal thing, I didn't HAVE to do it, and I only did it once bcuz I needed some money lol.


    With the kaillera server, the more the merrier B)

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