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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Rag

  1. , A vs P 2? the game? I thought it sucked... no offense of course lol. I guess it was ok, just not my type of game
  2. Just wondering, in your guys' opinions, do you prefer Winamp or Windows Media Player? Or do you like any other media player? I'm looking for a good one.
  3. Forcing you.... hahaha. Pranking eh? hahahaha
  4. As we all know, Halloween is just around the corner. So what are you guys doing for Halloween?? , my costume rocks
  5. K, now its Ghostbusters. Reason : My favorite movie , wanna be one for halloween, but I dont know where to get a jumpsuit :/
  6. I chose the servbot... well actually, i have no idea why, I'm gonna switch it probably today. I just remember the servbots from the Misadventures of Tron Bonn lol, they made me laugh
  7. Well since i recently got Cable , I've been d/ling a lot I started getting PC games via Bittorrent I starter downloading movies same source occasional roms, mainly MAME roms Lots of this stuff is too big so im afraid too take up too much space, only a 37 gig hard drive lol
  8. He was raised from birth by super tetris players. The uber tetris players if you will
  9. I meant the 6 pound bag lol...
  10. Hahaha my avatar would've said "Yes Sir!" and started doing push ups rite away
  11. my avatar's smiley is cool lol
  12. I would have to say my favorite smiley is the wink or glasses . My all time favorite "smiley" is the O_o
  13. Pretty cool, I'm Kain If you want, I can send you the sprite sheet of him if I find it again
  14. Rag


    Ok lol I said in my last post that older ones are better and i agreed and u said u didnt ? lol
  15. Uhhh probably a dumb question but whats Tag Editing???
  16. Rag


    ? You like the new ones even though all they do is repeat the same beat? lol
  17. I think you guys took that list a little too seriously
  18. I'd have to say outta those Now and Laters, but my absolute favorite is Bottlecaps
  19. Girls hit u alot if ur male... lets just consider them as love slaps
  20. Rag


    Hmm not really, I know some pretty good songs like DJ Sammy - Heaven or Erika - Relations, just looking for some other good ones. I hear the older Euro songs are better than the new ones, I'd have to agree I guess.
  21. Rag


    Do you listen to Euro GameCop, or does anyone?
  22. That would be a nice scam to pull lol, just for fun of course. It is kinda annoying though, but to see the reaction of the ppl lol...
  23. I would have to say both, got lotsa friends in both genders
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