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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by Rag

  1. I just got Cable Modem today. Thats why i haven't been on in a while, bcuz internet was down. Since i just got it, its the fastest thing to me. I just d/led something at 800 kb / sec and i couldn't believe it :lol:

  2. I want House of the Dead 3... that will be awesome. Yeah Time Crisis is really awesome too, but I haven't played it as much as HOD so I can't say its my favorite. Jeez, $3? Thats really expensive, that would cost a lot to beat it :lol:

  3. I agree with ME! on this one, I usually will download the demo or something to check if the game is worth buying. If it is, I'll usually have it by the end of the week. Then again, if you already have the game downloaded, why buy it unless multiplayer?

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