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  1. what about a n64 emu? is there one out at the moment
  2. would u annonce it... thx
  3. hm my first nick was kamui from x 1999 my second was kamuro from kamikaze 3rd was insanity. dunno why XD n for almost a decade it's nokx (lat. nox, nocis = night) to give this name a bit more individualism i put a k before the x.
  4. u use fireworks? how could u work with it XD sorry no link, i got mine from kazaa
  5. he is too short range for me, i like him in soul edge, but i am getting ticked off with soul caiber now, i block i lose, i attack i lose, (when against a human!) i liked the weapon gauges of the first one alot better my friend is damn good with maxi. okay he doesn't stop moving. "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee " XD yeah the weapon gauges was an amazing feature. dunno why they've left it outta the game
  6. how can u say, that maxi, the nunchacku guy, is unplayable
  7. hi. when will Link not Allowed -Diso be on again? thx
  8. ever have tried Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross, Dragon Warrior or Soul Edge?
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