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Everything posted by ieremiou
Any thought of supporting .7z or .rar formats either? EDIT: There should be spaces before the (periods) but the darn thing takes them away =\ EDIT 2: silly period after space removal I laugh at you.
That's awesome. hrm.. this release got smaller.. by 70 kbs
ah nice Mic. Is this due to the open sourced code of DeSmuMe and/or your own work? Awesome either way. ~Allustar
DualiS only a Homebrew Emulator?
ieremiou replied to Cloud Strife14's topic in DS Emulators [/pc/ds]
I don't care if he does or doesn't support the commerical boot coding. It doesn't really matter yet. The fact he is able to support sound is a lot more interesting than anything else I've seen so far. (besides iDeas (limited) 3d support and DesmuMe's (fairly decent) 2d support) Seems everybody has something a lil bit different than the other one. I'm impressed either way. ~Allustar -
If you want to know the almost latest in NDS and GBA rom Releases (of course they DO NOT HOST THE ROMS just the NFOs) See http://releases.pocketheaven.com/ For specifically NDS Rom Release List see http://releases.pocketheaven.com/?system=n...on=release_list
Awesome. Now I wish I had a real Nintendo DS and a PassMe or Flashcard to do this lol. It's been updated recently today cause the dSpaint part is version 0.2 now. It also has tic-tac-toe and checksout. Sweet lol.
Aside from the obvious touchscreen inability to calibrate with current demos as far as i can tell, most "working on hardware" demos work. There is a new Mines version 4 that works in Dualis. There seems to be some minor graphical corruption though on the lower screen after the Touch to Start. I'm not certain but it looks like that. Also there seems to be graphical corruption in the drops demo which is shown to work on hardware. Oh and there is an improved Sponge Demo (still not complete) that works in Dualis r8 but not on hardware. And no 3D capabilities as of yet which iDeaS seems to be plowing into and skipping the 2D capabilities. That seems to be the major difference between the two aside from PME loading and the use of the arm7.bin in iDeaS. Greets ~Paladinate~ EDIT: Just came across a very minor bug in the Dualis GUI, the X closer does not work on the Tile Viewer window. Clicking it does nothing at all. lol.
Hmm, well that was interesting... I was messing around with your program. Seems to work just fine in iDeaS. But in Dualis.. it got weird i went up to like 600 and then was backtracking when it was like minusing by 100 and go to -10 and then crashed Dualis. That was weird. Lol Note: The ship looks better in Dualis, in iDeaS it's all squished. Greets ~Paladinate~
So it would seem. That's probably why it's a preview. *shrugs* The same end results in Nibbles and the other games. There's no key to reset the game. (Besides resetting the Emulator) Greets ~Paladinate~
Click start and then set-up move your pieces if you wish (you don't have to) Note: this is where you may notice it's "hard" to drag the pieces. Then hit "enter" (on your keyboard) to play Battleship. This pushes your ships panel to the top where the computer tries to knock them out and you click on the bottom to take his out. The bottom board seems to be having the same problems with touchscreen as in others demo. Jabbing in certain areas respond *kinda* randomly with at being off at least one character left, right, top, bottom depending on where you are. Greets ~Paladinate~
Looks like a lots of fixes happened. Btw, thank you for disabling the closer button on the video output . PD Bins Good/Works -------------- - 2d-example-Original-arm9.bin - 2d-example-Modified-arm9.bin - armwrestler.ds.arm9.bin - battleshipds-arm9.bin - birds-arm9.bin - cube_emu.bin - drops-arm9.bin - dsPaint_r4.bin : Works, might freeze and touchscreen tapping is still off-touch - first_emu.bin - HelloWorld-arm9.bin - joats_template.bin - mines-arm9.bin - mode4dc.nds.arm9.bin - mode4ep.nds.arm9.bin - mode6.nds.arm9.bin - nibbles-arm9.bin - PongDS.bin - ship_emu.bin - sman.bin - smantouch.bin - tetris2player-arm9.bin - tetris.nds - tile02.bin : Works but touchsensor is still off one position. - tri_emu.bin - viewer-arm9.bin Bad/Buggy ------------ - PandaForth.bin : freezes/no input (known problem) - under_pressure-arm9.bin : Sprite screwed up and pressure sensor (known not implemented) non functional. - Tetris1player.bin : nonfunctional after start (known to be buggy and recommend removal from testing.) - texture_emu.bin : still not showing texture NEW ---- - sponge-arm9.bin - screen explosion (known to not be functional yet and still being developed.) by rorexrobots.com -- Strike that --- Does work. Need to press the A button to bypass the bad opening screen. Homepage to the two bins below. - misslecommand-arm9.bin - works on Dualis r7 - apparently not on hardware - seems to have some graphic display problems on Dualis r7 though (consider buggy?) - snackman touch - different version (r2) then the one posted on pdroms.de : Works - also on hardware Note: I was looking through the screenshots today and I noticed a Sprite Vram Manager Test and a calculator interface. Are these internal PD rom builds that haven't been confirmed for release? EDIT: NVM, I found where they were at . (Ooh and finally a Lights.bin that doesn't crash the emulator) Greets ~Paladinate~
PDroms.de is starting up a public domain ND Roms section. (some demos there don't work because well it's been proven they don't work on a real NDS ) I also noticed there are two more demos that have been collected called Sman and Sman touch and both work prefectly in Dualis R6. Original thread for Sman/Smantouch here. Both sman zips include source code. Enjoy ~Paladinate~ Off-topic: The Memory Viewer Demo --> Drunken Coder's Demos includes an arm9.bin does work in Dualis. I'm not familiar with its usage but it doesn run and function. The rest of the Demos in that section do not load in Dualis and cause an instant crash.
Haven't tested new version of DSEmu (yet). Anywho, I saw this on Dualis's Download page. It's a document on the Graphics handling on the DS. http://dualis.1emulation.com/files/gfxnotes.txt Might be useful for DSemu to look at. ~Paladinate~
PD Bins Concurrent Testing ------ Buggy or Bad --------- - 2d-Example-Orignal.bin: No Plasma in lower screen anymore (never worked on original DS?) - 2d-Example-Modified.bin: Same as above. - 3d-Example.bin: No output (not surprising) (using updated version) - armwrestler.ds.arm9.bin: No output anymore on lower screen (bug or never worked on NDS?) - drops-arm9.bin: no longer works - dsPaint.bin: lower screen no color selection/changing/etc. Upper screen looks correct. - first_emu.bin: No longer works is the plasma section of the 2d_example bins. - PandaForth.bin: No input (needs an updated version see -> http://torlus.com/index.php?Nds) - Tetris1player-arm9.bin: Probably buggy coding now (the original top screen Tetris) (freezes a second after starting) - texture_emu.bin: No texture image could be non-true NDS coding - tile02.bin: Works except it might be using incorrect touchscreen coding in rom since it picks up the icon to the left of where u touch. (supposedly does work on real hardware see -> http://www.dspassme.com/demos.shtml ) - under_pressure-arm9.bin: Got worse, one of Natrium42's demos. Drunken Coder Demos - All demos listed here seem to just crash Dualis and the few that I have with the same name didn't come from here. Any idea why these crash? Good ------ - battleshipds-arm9.bin: Works - birds-arm9.bin: Works - cube-arm9.bin: Works - HelloWorld-arm9.bin: Works - mines-arm9.bin: Works - mode4dc.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously) - mode4ep.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously) - mode6.nds.arm9.bin: Works (obviously) - the Updated version (very cool) - nibbles-arm9.bin: works - PongDS.bin: works - ship_emu.bin: works - Tetris2player-arm9.bin: works - tri_emu.bin: Still works Emulator Interface bug: This is just one that struck me.. If you accidentally close the Video Output Window you have to close Dualis to open it up again. It'd be nice to not have to restart Dualis to reopen one window. Lol, If possible remove the ability to close the window, or if you close the video it should also close Dualis, or an option to open video output. ~Paladinate~
*Using Dualis r5* The 2dexample was updated very recently and works as expected now. Hmm, the touchscreen sensor seems to be one position off in some demos. Either that or the way the demos work is wrong. Try for instance dsPaint.bin. Where you put the pin down it draws one position left of the cursor. This same issue shows up also in tiles02.bin and possibly nibbled-arm9.bin (the updated version, the older version crashes when u hit a wall) but that one's hard to tell. No, input from Pandaforth.bin when using touchscreen. The Mines-arm9.bin and drops-arm9.bin demos work as expected. (This is the updated, less buggy version, of the mines-arm9.bin demo) I also noticed that tri_emu.bin (the Triangle demo) and ship_emu.bin (the rolling ship demo) only works in OpenGL. If you use D3D, it pulls in the previous output of the last demo you ran or a black screen if you didn't run any. If you use GDI, it shows a white screen on both. When I close a demo shouldn't it clear the video output and clear it from all three video output types? Underpressure.bin... half of the sprite is missing and (suspecting) touch pressure detection(how?) is not implemented yet. I also noticed there's a hefty speed decrease with GDI by at least 10 fps. And finally in PongDS there is part of the sprite left when it moves from the touchscreen to the display screen. Is this normal (since I've seen it in all the Dualis releases so far)? /Ieremiou *I'll edit more as I go along*
Looks like there's another Dualis Relase. Also they releasd a Mode6 Demo that is something to do with Plasma rendering. /Ieremiou
The MINES arm9 demo was updated recently. It doesn't work anymore in DSEmu but in Dualis it looks Mighty pretty and awesome. I hope DSEmu can compete with it. /Ieremiou
I had a feeling that's what it was. It was just odd that the files aren't exactly the same (timestamp) inside the zip (hence the term mirror.) /Ieremiou
Which mirror is the latest? I was just looking at it noticed that the byte sizes are different and the file dates are different in both zips. The US mirror is newer according to the date time stamp (both are EST time) then the UK mirror. UK : Today, March 27, 2005, 1:01:41 PM --- Size: 485,406 bytes US : Today, March 27, 2005, 10:47:31 PM --- Size: 485,361 bytes Also, lol, the time of the files in the UK zip are a half an hour earlier than the zip but the US zip all the files are the same time as the zip itself. Who's right? /Ieremiou
Hmm, most of those demos on drunkcoders don't work in any emulator (probably are built for HyperDS) and are just continuly looping for me. /Ieremiou
Thanks robbbert There were some I didn't have before in that. I also have a couple that aren't on there either. There's an armwrestler bin for the DS too that I have. /Ieremiou *chuckles* dsPaint crashes Dualis but not iDeaS or DSEmu.
Thanks Agozer. I've been watching the fourms as of late but I didn't register till now. I should be going though. Gotta walk to church for Easter Sunday. See ya guys later. /Ieremiou
Essentially yes. Nobody's actually dumped a full version of any rom except probably Darkfader as is on his webpage. It has some CRCs of the two dumps he did which do not match the circulated dumps. Not surprising. lol. Btw, where'd u get the Dspaint and underpressure bins? I found their pages but they just sport PassMe gbas. Also the Mines-arm9 and the title_02 bins? Thanks, /Ieremiou BTW: I'm getting a "unknown" crash whenever I close a DS bin. Oh and um on comparisons i'd compare with Dualis. It seems to be the most correct of the 3 public emulators as of late.
Just for ya info. The Mario DS dump (the one in circulation is a fake). The other one in circulation is a dump of the DEMO version of Metroid Prime First Hunt. I confirmed this thanks to the NDSPacker tool that I had to do a bit of searching for. It allows u to view the contents of NDS roms and such. There's also another fake which is much earlier that was douting about a Sonic DS game. Search google to find mentions of that. Although I did notice on Darkfaders DS page that that he has dumped new versions of these two roms but I haven't seen them circulated so I suspect those are all private distros. /Ieremiou