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Everything posted by mic

  1. GBAMP emulation should be enabled by default and simply means that ROMs that use the GBAMP to access data on a compactflash card when run on a real DS should be able to do so in Dualis as well. It's strictly a feature for hobbyists, since no commercial DS ROM that I know of uses the GBAMP.
  2. You can get the clip matrix (4x4) starting at 0x4000640, and the vector matrix (3x3) starting at 0x4000680. This is currently not emulated in Dualis.
  3. Sure, just email it.
  4. CLEAR_COLOR should indeed be easy to support. I'm sure there are bugs in affine bg emulation since I haven't worked much on it. Most homebrew roms that do rotation/scaling of bgs seem to use the extended affine bgs for that, so there's not a lot to test with.
  5. I think the FAT rebuild will screw up royally when you drag & drop an .nds onto dualis, because I don't set a certain string pointer in that case. I never use drag & drop myself so I never noticed that bug. As for commandline loading not working, that has never happened to me, but it might be related to another bug with .nds loading that I fixed after 20.3. I guess whenever 20.4 is out you will know..
  6. It *is* open source, and totally license free (at least the parts written by me). The reason why source is not available for every versions is because of convenience. Since 20.3 I've merged all modules into a single workspace to save work on source code packaging in the future.
  7. Does this also happen if you use File -> Load and execute.. ?
  8. Some people have reported that Dualis works with Wine. There are a few problems with porting Dualis to other OSs: 1) It's based around a number of DLLs. Perhaps you can build them as SOs on a *nix system, I really don't know. 2) The assembly code files. These are written for MASM so you'd have to find an assembler you can use for your OS that supports MASM syntax. 3) The inline assembly (mainly found in the GPU). There might be VC++-specific things there, I'm not sure how other compilers implement it. 4) The Win32 API calls. There are a lot of these. The files that are specific to VC++ are things like .dsw, .dsp, .plg, .opt and maybe some others.
  9. The thing is that even if you set emulatesound=0 the apu plugin still tries to initialize the audio library (BASS) when you start Dualis. I'll probably remove the init call when you've idsabled audio emulation in future versions.
  10. Iirc, the only reasons for that error would be that you have a processor that doesn't support MMX or conditional moves (these have been supported ever since the PPro MMX that was released ten years ago), or that the gpu failed to allocate the memory it needs.
  11. If you have an .nds file that shows the GetFileSize error that you want to make available online, I can test it and see where it ends up reading from.
  12. I fixed it after 20.2 was released, so the fixed version is not yet available.
  13. Well, I fixed this bug (I think). It was not a problem directly with fseek or iprintf but with unsigned divisions using the division swi.
  14. MightyMax also has reported problems when using FAT_fseek. I have yet to find out the cause of this.
  15. You could try modifying fseek to print out the values of certain variables at strategic places and compare them to what you'd expect them to be.
  16. Do you mean filesysBytePerClus ? It's calculated in chishm's library as filesysBytePerSec * filesysSecPerClus, where filesysBytePerSec is hardcoded as 512 (same sector size I use in dualis) and filesysSecPerClus is taken from the master boot record (this is set to 16 in dualis).
  17. I have fixed a couple of bugs in the FAT emulation today. I don't know if they have anything to do with your problem, since I don't have the latest version of MarcaDS to test with.
  18. You could try putting printf's in front of each statement in that code to see which exact statement it freezes on.
  19. The only thing regarding FAT that I've changed in those versions is that I increased the limit for number of files and added support for long filenames.
  20. mic


    this was already reported in this thread
  21. mic


    It's quite possible that it's broken. I haven't tested .zip support in a long time since I have all .nds files unpacked on my system.
  22. mic


    Because I changed the linker flags, plus i UPXed the main executable.
  23. mic


    Well, for those who didn't know already, the zelda demo from last year's E3 is just a slideshow thing that shows pre-rendered images. Just so no one gets any crazy ideas into their heads..
  24. mic


    Fix some more bugs and what do you get..?
  25. mic


    It's due to endless hours of debugging, resulting in small fixes here and there. However, all of the e3 demos either crash at the title screen or get stuck at the title screen, so I'm currently working on trying to get at least one of them "playable".
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