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Everything posted by mic

  1. The "Suspect ARM9 size xxxxxxxx bytes." usually means that the file is corrupt, or in an unrecognized format. There are some.nds files around that aren't really.nds files. Battleships works, the touchscreen is just a bit off so you have to click a little bit below where you're supposed to. PongDS doesn't work on hardware from what I've heard, neither does Sponge or Missile Command. I don't know if Birds has been tested on hardware so I'm not sure if it's supposed to work or not.
  2. The only WRAMs I've seen documented is the 32kB at 0x37f8000 that can be shared between the two processors, and the 64kB (?) at 0x3800000 that belongs to the ARM7 only.
  3. As far as DSemu is concerned, that project is pretty much on ice for the time being due to some hardware problems the author ran in to. I don't see a merge of the emulator projects happening though. We all have tens of thousands of lines of code written with different designs in mind, so it would just be too much of a hassle. And for me, part of the motivation for writing my emulator was to write all of it on my own from scratch - which I've done so far.
  4. I didn't really have any info on the structure of the date when I added that to dualis. I just kept switching things around until joat's touchscreen demo seemed to display the correct time and date.
  5. Probably some time during the weekend.
  6. There was no clipping of 16-color sprites, so they were always drawn at whatever their original size was.
  7. I think I've fixed it now (see the screenshot):
  8. Thanks. I'll take a look at it in the morning.
  9. If you have a demo available that uses it, I could test it.
  10. Rotoscale works for 256-color sprites, but not for 16-color ones atm.
  11. Well, I can see why V-flip would cause trouble since I had inserted a division-by-zero when the V-flip was set while I was debugging, and then left the code in there.. Not sure about the clipping problems, since that code is shared for 256-color and 16-color sprites, but I'll take a look at it.
  12. What kind of sprite is it? 256-color or 16-color? Rotoscaled or plain? H-flipped? V-flipped?
  13. Missile Command seems do have all VRAMCNT registers set to 0 (zero), which effectively disables the VRAM banks. Could be the reason it's not working properly on hardware.
  14. here
  15. jstart: considering nearly half of it is written in intel x86 assembly you won't see it running on a mac except maybe if you use a PC emulator of some sort.
  16. I downloaded the latest version of Mines, and there's no "Touch to start" on the top screen. Also, clicking the top screen should do nothing. The emulator ignores all mouseclicks except the ones on the bottom screen.
  17. Nukefall: I always assumed the bottom screen was the touchscreen. See this image for example
  18. Tetris: nds I don't know if nibbles.nds is available somewhere, I got it from the author (DesktopMan).
  19. Other than dualis [romname] there are no available parameters atm
  20. This is a bug in r6. I added a check to see if all background layers were disabled, but I shouldn't do that when using VRAM display mode (like armwrestler, 2d_emu, drops, dspaint etc). nibbles.nds works. tetris.nds works.
  21. mic


    AS far as the demos showing black a black screen is concerned, that's what they do on a real GBA as well. You can however watch them in Gebea by clicking the BG2 checkbox under "Force layer". I use division-by-zero as an indicator of unimplemented features walk3d works properly in the latest WIP of Gebea (which I guess I should release at some point).
  22. The titlescreen in "mines" looks ok now. No more unaligned reads.
  23. I'm pretty sure 32x64 works, but I don't think I've tested 64x64. If you have the demo available online somewhere I could try it out.
  24. I fixed the way interrupts are handled in r4. Older versions of Dualis would run demos that didn't work on a real DS.
  25. Yeah, that's an option. I haven't decided how (if) to emulate stuff like pressure and temperature readings for the touchscreen.
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