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Everything posted by NukeFall

  1. Thats actually old theres a newer one. Whats the proof hes lying? it doesnt look like he ripped off another dsemu. Really though the fake site and the inability to give it to people is annoying.
  2. Yea ive had problems using cygwin to compile it cause of config.h but right now im just trying to find out where it handels all the code for the child windows i know where the debugger code is its in its own source file. Im trying to figure out what links that to the main program.
  3. Rest is a good thing. Well since it is open source like Two9A said im gonna try my luck at making a confid option for it fully intergrated not an independant program >>.
  4. only 10fps? im geting about 50 with limits and 70 without x_X. Also since you said testing on all roms ill update my first post. Even though i dont have all those demos itd be nice if you could say where your gettingt them from. The whole fps thing might not be a problem with the emulator as it is with the computer what type of comp do you have? EDIT: Updated my first post with alot more demos. Also about cpu usage. If its the thing i have open at the time it takes up like 90% of my cpu but when i useo therr things it goes down to about 40-50% which is still pretty large considering most things take up like 2-3% of my cpu usage.
  5. Yea but i showed that cause the GBA no longer shows that after youve made changes. It used to show that with 2g in the gba it showed it in the ds too. That also appears alot in the ones that mess up and not in the working.
  6. Well whats odd is that it works perfectly on ds. Or is it two completly different CPU's that ye be talking about. Also are logs usefull in anyway? Well in case there are i forgot to mention that Mario demo doesnt error anymore or have that huge repeating undefined thing. Another one has though. Arm Wrestler has a bunch of them. Ds has this repeated [20050403.21:21:56] COPRO: Read from cpF c0/c0 op 0/1 to r2 And GBA just has alot of undefiened opcodes. That might be caused by the whole ARMv4 thing. But you fixed the COPRO errors that the gba Arm Wrestler gave in 0.0.2g although the ones from the ds are still there.
  7. Well since robbbert hasnt posted one I will Gba: ahawk - Has gotten worse now its just the same as Rob's was in the last one i can no longer see anything Copper Bars - Works Around the World - Blank Screen Arm Wrestler - All the Arm VSTE Tests are bad Fill - Completly Works now! FontDisp - Errors out now. Ds: 2dexample_arm9a - Now the Touch screen thing works. 2d_Exapmple - Works but no touch screen thing Arm Wrestler - Same as before itll just blank on some screens but you can continue BattleShipDS - Title Screen then Freeze Birds - White screen Cube, Ship, Tri, Nibbles - Balnk Screen Dsmode4dc - Text then nothing Dsmode4ep - Text on top blue on bottom Davr_arm9a - Random Text on top with a pink background nothing on bottom Drops-arm9a - Blue top Black Bottom Draw-Arm9a - White flash on top then blank Dspaint - Text on top with info then 2 strips of odd color on bottom Freeze First1 - Nothing on top cool lava thing on bottom Mines_arm9 - Top screen greens out and the bottom blues out. Mode6.nds.arm9 - Disco like dance floor on top blank on bottom PandaForth - Blank top screen white bottom screen but i get texto both saying PandaForth by Torlus PongDs - Title screen is a little messed up PLAYABLE but 2 bugs would be that it slightly blanks out going from top to bottom screen but i think its supposed to like the real DS. But when it hits this side > it blanks out part of the ball Tetris 1p - Works Perfectly Tetris 2p - Works great and i can change bottom screens colors Tile02 - Text and stuff then Freeze Sman - FLashes red and blue between the screens Sman Touch - Blue messed up on the bottom And those are all the demos i have. do the logs even matter? Also any roms not mentioned here that ive mentioned before have not changed.
  8. The bug i mentioned still exist. But i found out you must first have it set to load and run for the thing to happen.
  9. Hmm thats odd i may have an older version but i can post screens one sec Ah well nvm there is a touch to start screen which i have a screen of. The whole top screen thing was actually just a thing that was caused by me i was testing something else and it messed up my screen for a bit. Maybe i dont have the latest mines but the one i have has a touch to start. Actually the latest mines has a very nice touch to start screen with cool graphics. The one im using was an old one where the touch to start appeared on the top the new one has it on the bottom where it should be so it was just a rom error.
  10. Oh thats right. Sorry man i just woke up so im not thinking clearly haha. But on another note. If it is the touch screen on the bottom why does mines have it so the "Touch to start" Is on the top then? Even if you touch the bottom it does continue but you can also touch the top to continue. Shouldnt there be some sort of block there? Also then pong runs on the bottom half of the screen which works with all the normall buttom commands and without touch. I thought that the buttons were for the top screen and the bottom screen changed based just on the info from the top screen. (Sorry if this is another stupid question I'm still waking up) Also i thought it would be a cool feature to have something like the Autofire Button on some emulators but for the Touch screen. Like just if you press a button to drag you dont have to press the mouse it just assumes its pressed so you can drag it. But at this point that suggestion doesnt matter ha.
  11. Mic I have a question, why does it seem like the touchscreens on the bottom? In Birds you have to press the bottom half to fire and in minesweeper it *looks* like you need to have the touchscreen on the bottom. I always though the touchscreen was ony spose to be on the top x_X. As for demos same as them except the sprite clippings still messed up on PongDs. Also dont know if this matters but if you open another rom while another oens already open and paused. If you bring the open screen over the video output it erases parts of the output. Im not sure if you run it again it fixs itself. But it is kinda fun to do.
  12. Also using a credible GBA emu the Text file is working fully on DSemu its not supposed to have colored text And so is impact apparently. That enemy thing must be a game bug. Ill test everything else that i tested with DSemu to check if its just a problem with the demo. Ok. Only impact was like that.
  13. Hehe completly missed that ill check it out All same responses with those demos. Also about tron its called that cause of the racing scene in the movie. Also just press a to get past the purple screen.
  14. Well actually the close thing does the exact thing the open thing does lol itll just keep asking till you move the open box over. And the drag thing is good if you have roms in the same dir but if you keep them seperatly and all messily (like me) then its not so good.
  15. Ive tested it with most of the Demo roms in the post you have lol (man ive edited my post like 10 times). If i was being a little hard on the explination ill give an example in steps. 1. Open any DS/GBA rom (notice how to open box is over the emulator) 2. Goto File/Open GBA/DS 3. Move the open box COMPLETLY off the DSemu window 4. Try to open any GBA/DS rom Once you do that youll get what i mean.
  16. Ok this is an odd one. In both GBA and DS opening if youre opening a game after already opening another one if part of the open window isnt in the DSemu window itll just keep asking you to open a game over and over again until you move part of it over DSemu's main window x_X.
  17. Ah darn. I was gonna try and make a converter to read a String instead of a number like "Up" istead of the original. (I forgot it cause i changed it) That way people wouldnt have to find the ASCII keyboard standards.
  18. Well there are a couple reasons why it should emulate GBA 1.) The DS itself plays GBA games so it can be for completness 2.) Programming a GBA emu would give you some good experience for DS 3.) If im Correct the DS uses the GBA core and stuff to run the bottom screen and the DS core is for the Top Screen. Anyone know where in the source files the DSemu reads the.ini file?
  19. Well about modifying the code is there any place where you can get some good tutorials on all this emulator making buz for GBA and the DS itd be cool to be able to actually look into the code of DSemu and not only understand the windows part.
  20. Umm you dont even need to compile it. At the main page he has a download for an already compiled latest version of it.
  21. Hmm while i dont have the same demos as you i do get different results on the ones that come with dsemu demos which happens to be none of the gba demos you listed but as for DS demos davr-arm9a.bin - Just a Black Screen no purpule mines-arm9a.bin - Can get past the touch to start screen and then get to the mine screen but after that it just seems to do nothing. Birds-arm9.bin - Also just a white screen Itd be nice to know where you got all those demos from so other people could test them. For some reason all these ds emulators seem to have something with compatability. Some roms will work on one person machine and not work on anothers and vice versa. Ah i found the GBA demos ill just add the ones that ive had a difference on ahawk - This one i can get past the difficulty and the other option and get to the main game background screen thing but it errors out after freezing Around the world - Also a black screen that just errors out after a while Impact - This one is odd. It seems that the FPS is way out of wack to the point where its going super fast compared to what it probably should be going. Also with the enemies it will randomly kill some of the enemys but not all of them and also some of them you can pass through but randomly some will kill you. Mario - Not sure if this is a difference but itll show everything perfectly in the background but of course mario himself errors out the emu. Othello - Im actually not sure if this isnt the same game but this one instantly errors. Also if there are anything you might find suspicous in the logs would be these lines that are repeated several times when mario is run: [20050402.18:40:54] Undefined opcode encountered: 97969594. Said once [20050402.18:40:54] Undefined opcode encountered: 0300430C. Repeated like 315 times +- 10 [20050402.18:40:54] Undefined opcode encountered: 030000E8. Repeated like 348 times +- 10 [20050402.18:40:54] Undefined opcode encountered: 0300430C. only 33 [20050402.18:40:54] Undefined opcode encountered: 03007E2E. Once Then just a blank line. Also i dont know if it matters but this COPRO: Write to cpF c1/c0 op 0/0 from r1 and COPRO: Write to cpF c9/c1 op 0/0 from r0 Showed up some times but this COPRO: Read from cpF c0/c0 op 0/1 to r2 Was repeated ALOT during the Arm Wrestler possibly a reason while some of the screens blank out? Some of those also appear in the games that white out. (Birds Mainly) One more DS game tested which is davr's Drops one. It Runs the top as clue like it should but the bottem GBA part just blank screens i looked into the log and found these lines that show up in the following games Birds Minesweeper Drops [20050402.22:02:36] COPRO: Write to cpF c1/c0 op 0/0 from r1 [20050402.22:02:36] COPRO: Write to cpF c9/c1 op 0/0 from r0 [20050402.22:02:36] COPRO: Read from cpF c1/c0 op 0/0 to r0 [20050402.22:02:36] COPRO: Write to cpF c1/c0 op 0/0 from r1 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_0: master=1, offset=0: phys=00000, virt=000000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_1: master=1, offset=0: phys=20000, virt=000000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_2: master=5, offset=0: phys=40000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_3: master=5, offset=0: phys=60000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_0: master=0, offset=0: phys=00000, virt=800000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_1: master=0, offset=0: phys=20000, virt=820000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_2: master=1, offset=0: phys=40000, virt=000000 [20050402.22:02:36] VRAM_CNT_3: master=2, offset=0: phys=60000 All those games error in a somewhat similar way. Birds just whites out on the bottom screen. When you get past the touch screen start in Mineweeper the bottom GBA part messes up. And in the Drops Demo it also messes up on the bottom GBA part. Well more on mario i found something in the debugger at least. The only R tahts not in the red is r07 everything else is red. Also everthing else like THUMB and ARM is just all F's Edit: Ahhh i just saw your post in the bugs about the un things. Well just in case that was from before when you wernt working on that part of the Emu (since most of the psots after it were about it not playing ANY ds games not even demos) ill keep it there.
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