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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. I removed my hard drive from my computer to try it on my brothers laptop (long story). It gave him the blue screen so i decided to put it back on my computer when my computer showed a couple of messages like "booting Betex" or something like that and one of the things said fail. It then showed "Operating system not found" in which it would restart and try to do it agian. My brother suggested that maybe i should flip it upside down (as i forgot how it was taken out). Then my computer wouldnt start. I tried putting it back the other way but it wont start again. Anyone have a clue. Poor lappy I forgot to mention its a compaq presario 2500. Just so you all know im using my new computer and not my laptop to type this message.
  2. Does anyone know how to increase the limit for the tag option. It only goes up to 2 but there are videos on youtube that show 3 on 3 and 4 on 4. PS: Is it me or is watching Mugen videos of naruto fights sometime a lot more fun then watching the series.
  3. Does anyone know where to get legend of zelda characters. I can trade off a site for naruto characters. They have about 40 characters.
  4. What is this McDonald's you talk about???? But as for the free games, awesome, except the fact that i already played them
  5. Then stop helping!!
  6. .....And only 10 days. WOW!!!
  7. Youre about a month late but its ok
  8. You learn something new everyday. Is cable Interent better than DSL for the same speed?
  9. I never knew DSL comes in 10mbs. I thought DSL went upto 6mb.
  10. I was looking looking for more of a poll statistics. Oh and who the hell has 10 Mb. Must be a mamas boy .
  11. Well if you use IE it doesnt matter which version i just wanted to know whether it was IE for FF. As for the internet, my provider has 1.5 as the minimum or at least thats what i have seen in their catalog. If your guys internet speed was 4 than round off to 3 or 6. The numbers i put up is of what the internet providers here provide.
  12. Someone should make a Topic about possible topics for the Podcast (i dont want to do one, im to lazy and want to go to sleep but good night everyone).
  13. Well i heard alot of people talk about how much Firefox is better than IE but its like cheating on your wife who you've been with since the first computer. How is it really better?? Then second question is about internet speed. I finally upgraded to DSL 3.0 Mb/s. The only reason was becuase it would turn out to be cheaper than DSL 1.5 (dont ask, its america). I dont use the intenet much for gaming mostly for browsing and downloading (which usually im not in a hurry and need it to go at 50 gazallion Mb/s). Whats your guys internet speed. I couldnt fit this question in but when you guys download from sites what your usuall speed for example rapidshare or megaupload and all the other goody websites (if you reply to this question please say what your internet speed is originally). 3rd question is pretty straight forward and nothing else to say other than will it be as easy as Bioshocks was (read next paragraph about Bioshock cracking)? Finally, in college in one of my classes some guys were talking about a cracked bioshock and they said its like 99% completed using a dll file or something. I searched around and people are saying that all the hackers need to do is just add the enter key or something like that which they forgot. In my opinion i would rather wait a couple of months to see how this goes but what do you guys think.
  14. Dont get me wrong, im just as big of a nintendo fan as anyone else (well not a fat guy nintendo fan).
  15. Everyone should take thier turn and not interupt but it was very good for a first time thing. Hope we get to see more. PS: I really wanted to know more about homebrew for the PSP EDIT: Oh and thanks for confirming the thing about Bioshock Demo (Forgot who did).
  16. Its only purpose was to make the japanesse buy the 360. Its not that good of a RPG.
  17. These are nice looking pics from Wizard World 2007 in Chicago.
  18. "How many computers can I activate this game on at once? 2K increased the maximum computers you can install the game simultaneously on from 2 to 5. We are also preparing a new “revoke application” that will allow you to de-authorize computers so that you may move the game to another computer without "using up" one of these activations. This increase in the limit will cover most users' issues, and the revoke application should alleviate remaining concerns. Of course, if you still experience any issues, please feel free to contact support. How many times can I reinstall this game on the same computer? 2K increased the maximum installs on the same computer from 3 to 5, before you need to seek customer support. The revoke application we will release will make this irrelevant - as long as you revoke before you install again, you will have no issues. Does my Steam or Direct2Drive downloaded version also allow the increases to the installations? Yes, both the Steam and Direct2Drive versions also are updated with the new installation increase. Do I need to connect to the internet every time I play this game? No. Only for a fresh install and for the activation the first time you run it. Do I need to have the DVD in the drive every time I play? Yes. Does SecuROM fingerprint my hardware? What does this mean? SecuROM does not fingerprint the hardware. When an activation is performed, a unique ID is generated to identify the system being used for the activation process. The ID is in the form of a hash and cannot be read by any other system or operator. Its only purpose is for comparing future activations on a particular serial. Does SecuROM send any information out to another server and collect any of my data? No information is sent to any other servers. The only data collected is the serial being used for activation, the IP address used for activation, an identifier for the software being activated, and the hash of the machine ID. The ID cannot be read by any other system or operator. Its only purpose is for comparing future activations on a particular serial. If I put a new piece of hardware, such as a new video card, ram, hard drive, or a new motherboard, into my computer, will I have to reactivate my game? Will this count as one of my “allowed” computers? No. You won't have to reactivate unless you change several pieces of hardware and this will count as one of your 5 allowed computers, if reactivation is required. The revoke application we will release will make this irrelevant - as long as you revoke before you uninstall and install again, you will have no issues. How do I free up an activation slot if I decide to uninstall my game from one computer and move it to another? The revoke application we will release will make this possible. What do I do if I get the message that I have activated this game on too many computers? Use the forthcoming revoke app on one of the computers you successfully activated it on. If that doesn't solve your problem, contact support. We will get it resolved. How does activation and security measures differ between steam, IGN, and retail copies of this game? They all use the same product activation method. In addition to the product activation, retail copies also have a disc check and Steam uses their own security. My anti-virus software is flagging SecuROM as an intruder program? What does this mean? Some versions of virus software will incorrectly flag SecuROM. If so, please update the virus definition file. If you still experience issues, please contact 2K Technical Support for further advice. We would appreciate if you could please notify support@securom.com of any software conflicts so that we may work with the anti-virus companies to update their definition files. What happens if my computer is lost, stolen, or has a complete crash? How do I get that activation back, since I didn’t uninstall the game? You can still install the game 4 more times (or however many times remaining to your limit of 5) without a problem. Please contact support if you have reached your limit. Does SecuROM install a root kit on my computer? No. SecuROM DOES NOT USE any root kit technology in its implementation. SecuROM Product Activation does place a folder and registry keys on your system. These folders are used only for storage of license information and information to assist with disc authentication. Please do not modify or delete these files. Tampering with these files may result in authentication issues. What is a root kit? A "rootkit" can be described as software or a set of software tools intended to conceal running processes, files or system data from the operating system and which can open ports to allow remote access to the system. A "rootkit" makes it possible for viruses or other malicious programs ("malware") to hide content on a user's PC. In this way, a virus or other malware may remain undetected, even if updated anti-virus software is installed. SecuROM DOES NOT USE any root kit technology in its implementation. SecuROM Product Activation does place a folder and registry keys on your system. These folders are used only for storage of license information and information to assist with disc authentication. Please do not modify or delete these files. Tampering these files may result in authentication issues. " From: http://www.2kgames.com/cultofrapture/pc_faq.html Well according to this, Bioshock does not install a rootkit. But this 5 times install thing is very stupid and annoying.
  19. I am pretty sure Darkstalker or SyN- would be willing to do that for you. Look them up in the members button. Or go here: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...c=22776&hl= (PM them).
  20. Well its sort of asking the owners of 1emu if they are banning puerto recans (shame on you 1emu).
  21. It should not be thier in the first place if it can be removed.
  22. Alright well anyway, my computer is do for a reset. As for Bioshock's hack version.....patience my people, patience.
  23. As much as i agree with you, it is still funny that people complain about having to install a security measure for the game. I am pretty sure if you were in thier position you wouldnt want people to bootleg your game...........but the sad truth is i am not in thier shoes neither are you, so down with rootkits and up with piracy.
  24. Are you trying to answer my question, if you are which comments is the answer to my question in (if you know what it is just tell me "yes" or "no"). Thier is a loooot of comments.
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