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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. Just give us a quick summary >_<, im sick of reading. My english class is driving me nuts.
  2. I think it stands for other poster, i might be wrong
  3. Sweet, i never heard of this "overclocking". Is it possible to overclock form 2.6GHz to 3.0GHz.
  4. I dont play much games when it comes to systems. Mostly becuase it costs money for games and thats something i dont got. I got a gamecube sitting in my closet with about 5 games. I would have more but agian money is a problem. Even if i had a PS2 (maybe) or an Xbox (yeah right) it would be sitting in my closet gathering dust for me. I choose nintendo becuase of zelda and mario. Thats my reason for not picking the other systems. Period
  5. Ahmad89 attacked BlackKnight with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 100! BlackKnight has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlackKnight is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlackKnight has no strength therefore cannot counter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gain: 1 EXP points!!!! I felt like strangling those who want to strangle the wii voters
  6. Nintendo Wii, Duh
  7. Draw us a picture, that might help.
  8. DEYTUKARJEBS! Southpark??? Maybe.
  9. After watching Zeitgiest and watching the news and from my own personal belief i wonder what will happen in the future especially here in America. What do you guys think will happen? Do the people really care that the banks and government are controlling them or do they just sit back and relaxe? I say this because i took a nap and dreamt that the US nuked itself. (i had that moment where you wake up all of the sudden)
  10. I got a weeze the first time i saw that. OUCH.
  11. Whats a swap Solution????
  12. I think we all learned our lesson from this religous-money making story.....SEND YOUR KIDS TO CHURCH Just kidding.
  13. Happy birthday iq_132 Dont call me stupid but are you implying that your IQ is 132. Because if it is, i just realized that.
  14. So it isnt possible. And if its not for UT2004 how would you do it for anything other game thats possible.
  15. How do you turn a game from having to install it every time on different computers to just being able to have a folder with the game and all you would have to do is drag and drop. Quake 3 someway somehow works that way. I dont remember what happened. I especially want to do this for Unreal tournament 2004 b/c it takes a hell of a long time to install and it slow down my brothers computer when ever he installs it. If i have to install it one time inorder for me to turn it into a single folder its alright, just as long as i dont have to install it anymore. Thanks
  16. Isnt that illegal even if the site is illegal??
  17. Batman Begins was the best out of all of them. It had a bad ending but it was still nice....better then the rest at least.
  18. I could make it thier by the end of the year. That doesnt sound too long. Unless you mean staff members, admins and so on.
  19. OUCH, whats with the temper you got lately, give her a break. Better some then none.
  20. LOL "cleaning goop off some cheap piece of plastic" thats hilarious Its a way to make money. You wont but it other will.
  21. A man gotta do what a man gotta do, IF you know what i mean
  22. Wow, I wouldnt be surprised if this sells but no way i would get something like that. Nice thing about it is its cheap. What will they do next for the Wii??? Bake a cake oven for the wii.
  23. I will try this out as soon as i get my bros hard drive. Its looking very nice
  24. Damn, double dash was the best. They should keep the two player in one cart thing.
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