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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. Nintendo Super Nintendo Sega Genesis Sega Dreamcast Nintendo 64 GB GBA Gamecube I had a bunch of clone systems (about 10) that were a remake of SNES and NES (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Ente..._hardware_clone)
  2. Im an 05er but i dont think i count. I dont remember Fatal Rose.
  3. ys origin. Its a japanesse game. It's only available in japan but you can ship it or download it(if you know what i mean). You can pretty much know what your doing if you played thier other games. I dont understand a thing but already won with one of the characters. Ys Oath in Felghana (english patch availabe for 5$ donation from nick.serveblog.net) Ys Ark of Naphistam (japanesse, no english patch but available on PS2 in english) Ys I and II (english patch from nick.serveblog.net for free) All must be shipped from overseas except Ys AoN which might be in stores in America.
  4. Europe vs Italy Animation video, halarious
  5. Congrats fellow brothren in the emu world.
  6. Legend of zelda Minish Cap
  7. Why they'll be pimpin' teh Windows Vista "Cruiser" of course! SWEET , i want it to go with my pimped DOWN windows Vista
  8. Zelda Zelda and if sims counts as action, then sims
  9. 1emulation, gametrailers.com, legendofzelda.com, nick.serveblog.net 1emulation 10+
  10. Gonna have a BQ tonight, yeahhhhh
  11. HEY, dont make fun of yugioh, i loved that show.
  12. OUCH, i think you guys need to get laid and lower your testosterone level a bit.
  13. I personally like to use a Portable hard drive becuase its just a drop and drag, you can extract files easly, and you only need one. DVD tend to get scratched and you would have alot.
  14. I would rather see text link ads than pop-ups flying all over the place. Its not that big of a deal folks, get over it.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ1bGYMudv0 The future of iphone is shown later in the video, Very True
  16. You'll crap your pants and wish Nintendo's Mario was like this (or at least the sceanary) Power Star 3 to be continued Another Cool Mario fighting video, this is complete Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom 1 Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom 2 Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom 3 Rise Of The Mushroom Kingdom 4 Funny Zelda Video The Real Legend Of Zelda 1.1 The Real Legend Of Zelda 1.2 The Real Legend Of Zelda 2.1 The Real Legend of Zelda 2.2
  17. I think thats one reason not to buy a console at launch and wait at least 1 to 2 years before buying a console. That way there will be no hardware failures, lots of games for the consle and overall a less headache
  18. Oh, i know the game but i couldnt make out the abreviation. I never played it just heard of it. By the way Davis, you missed
  19. What does DMC4 stand for?
  20. If i had 100,000 i would use it on a better investment than an iphone, not that i wouldnt want an iphone but i think that she wont make a big profit off of them.
  21. So it works?? I cant understand what you said
  22. You cant download it or it wont extract or the actual emulator doesnt work. Which one? Because i was able to download, extract but i didnt open a iso with it yet. But i did use it before just not the emulator that i downloaded right now.
  23. http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/ Go here download the latest emulator and put the bios and see what happens.
  24. Do you have to have a certain Internet speed? Because if i can get it setup and have nothing to do that day i might join.
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