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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. Actually if you ever played it it is very fun and addictive. And the art style is what makes the game fun and unique. It is on of the best games on the GC. I dont see how it is boring. The art style kind of reminds of Zelda WW
  2. Same thing what happend woth my DC but it is fixable somehow. My cousin is an engineer and is very good at fixing systems and Games. He fixed it and it works better then ever. Although I dont know how. I will se and ask my cousin for help. I dought you need any mony to fix the problem
  3. Thanks.You the man
  4. Thanks Two9A.
  5. I know that the PSPemu is fake but me and my friends were talking about the PSPemu and they said that there is one. The people working for Sony each have an PSPemu in which they test the games on it. Alot of people got connections with these kind of people but unfortuntly non of my friends know them. I will keep in touch with them since they are very good at getting news. Peace.
  6. A couple of days ago i wrote that why do we need both a GBA and a DS emulater when there is a seperate one for the GBA. Then Nukefall and Two9A said.... Well did you guys start working on the GBA emu(ex VisualBoyAdvance)or did you start from scratch? By the way why the name Two9a if you dont mind?
  7. I was wondering if there is going to be a chat room only for 1emulation.com. That way we if a get any trouble or any body we can talk right away. We can talk faster that way and dont have to waste as much time waiting for some one to answer our questions. I know its to late but lets put the DSemu aside and make a chat room. I would really be thankful for that. Thanks.
  8. Where can i get some roms. Or are you guys not aloud to say?
  9. Why do we need the emu to run both GBA and DS when there is a GBA emulator already out. wouldn't it be easier to let it play DS roms only. Think abour that
  10. sorry about that i just read the rules.
  11. Im new here but i hope im not asking much Two things I want help on: 1. How can I fix the DSemu at home do i need a program or my own DS. 2. Does any body know a web site where I can Get ISO's for playstation/2 or Xbox or Gamecube.
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