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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. Brother does it to me all the times, most of the times of movies since he watches alot more than i do. I especially hate it when he says a joke from southpark or familyguy when i havnt even watched the episode yet.
  2. This is what i got from Tigerdirect.com: Minimum System Requirements * 512MB of system memory * CD or DVD-ROM drive * 50MB of available hard disk drive space for basic driver installation * Microsoft® Windows Vista™ or Windows® XP operating system * PCI Express®-compliant motherboard with one vacant PCI Express x16 slot * 375W PCI Express-compliant system power supply** * One 6-pin PCI Express supplementary power connectors -or- * Two 4-pin Molex supplementary power connectors http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/Se...p;Sku=E145-8614
  3. usually store bought PCs have PSUs that just aren't powerful enough to drive a decent video card... I'd check the max wattage rating just to be sure 300W max I think This is the info that i got it from: Input:100-127V~7A , 200-240V~4A 50/60Hz Output: +12V -------- /19A, -12V --------- /0.8A 300W MAX. +5V -------- /30A, +5VSB --------- / 2A +3.3V -------- /28A, +5V & +3.3V 180W MAX. +5V & +12V 288W MAX.
  4. Yes, and OSS is Out school suspension, similar to ossp.
  5. Alright, i didnt even care about the SLI, just curiosity. Do i have to remove anything or just attack the new one. And what about the power supply????
  6. That video doesnt show anything for power, its just for installing a video card in general. Does that mean i have to remove my tuner card cause i dont think i have to. But then where is my video card??? Is the power slot visible in the first picture i posted?? EDIT: Just so you everyone knows, its an EVGA 8600GTS 512MB with a 2 4-pin Molex connector.
  7. STUDYINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG With a little bit of lurking around the internet.
  8. Alright, i was looking on how to connect my card to my computer (i still havent gotten it yet). I want to make sure that i dont have to buy anything extra, just incase i need to. First of this is were i connect it to right: The black strip in the middle of the picture right, i have to remove the metal piece, i know (this is taken with my Handycam) Close look: And whats that black thing right under it. Also what if i want to SLI two cards, how would i do that. Do i have to remove the tv tuner. Is this where i connect the power supply: I watched some youtube videos and all they show is how to connect the card and not the power since they dont need to but mine will. So am i right. FYI, the other connector is in the back. An overall look at my computer: This is the first time me doing something like this and it got really exciting opening the computer. Wasnt hard either. My biggest question from the following above is about the power supply. I cant find anything about it (at least from my 10 minutes of searching youtube).
  9. the reason is there is hype surrounding he 360 version. It's fresh and new so reviewers give it a higher rating When it comes out on PC, they've already seen it and the ratings are affected accordingly That doesnt make sense. You grade it as if its a new game. If i see a pc game that was ported from the 360, and then look at the review, i would think this game would suck (since reviews are always lower). This probably applies to those who dont have a 360 (like me ). You grade it on wants on the inside and not if it was ported.
  10. Really? name some. The thing that i hate is the PC counterpart always recieves a lower score. I just hate that. For example Gears of war recieved a 9.4 on the 360 and a 8.7 on the pc while the pc has more levels and a map editor. I have never seen one game that has revieved a higher score on the pc than on the 360/PS3.
  11. you are going to regret not getting an 8800 further down the line ;p It wont support dx10.1 so why buy something that is useless. Besides medium setting are good enough for me. Im a college student who has loans to pay off. And unlike most college students, i dont waste my money on booze, babes etc. Im just buying this from some gift money that i got for the holiday (my holiday). This is also a reward for getting a 4.0(most likely) this semester. YES i'm rewarding myself.
  12. Yes, god damn those fig trees! I LOVE FIG TREES. You got something against fig trees ay.
  13. My response was for reaper_mans HUGE picture. I wont shove it down any ones throat, im just defending myself, even if it is not pointing at me. I might as well be next.
  14. Update Qtys Remove Selected Qty. Product Description Savings Total Price EVGA 512-P2-N773-AR GeForce 8600GTS 512MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card EVGA 512-P2-N773-AR GeForce 8600GTS 512MB 128-bit GDDR3 PCI Express x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card - Retail Item #: N82E16814130286 Return Policy: Limited 30-Day Return Policy -$20.00 Instant $20.00 Mail-in Rebate $199.99 $179.99 Logitech 963325-0403 RumblePad 2 Vibration Feedback Gamepad Logitech 963325-0403 RumblePad 2 Vibration Feedback Gamepad - Retail Item #: N82E16826127207 Return Policy: Standard Return Policy $24.99 Subtotal: $204.98 Calculate Shipping Zip Code: GO Shipping: $8.53 Redeem Gift Certificates Claim Code: Security Code: Redeem Gift Certificates: $0.00 Apply Promo Code Promo Code: Apply Promo Code: $0.00 Grand Total: $213.5 Gonna go and buy them, just got to wait a little while until i use my brothers computer (i dont trust mine with the viruses it has). ANY LAST THOUGHTS other than buy a 8800 instead.
  15. More of an experience kind of question and price isnt an issue. Since i never owned a wireless controller and people that comment on them usually say a lot of bullsh!t about them, i wanted to know some from one of you guys. I'll go with reaper man on this one, wired one....i think
  16. Which one better Wired:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16826127207 Or Wireless:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16826127209 They are both pretty much the same except one is wireless and a little more expensive.
  17. http://www.tweakguides.com/ This website is good for knowing when patches are coming out. This is also cool:Crysis Tweak Quide And this can teach you alot about computer gaming: The Gamer's Graphics & Display Settings Guide I never knew that a good FPS is 30FPS. And now i know what AA is, FINALLY. I'm getting there fellas. This is to understand more about computers in generall:http://www.tweakguides.com/TGTC.html
  18. Man, thats what i need right about now at that price.
  19. OK, i think i might buy this one then. Some other questions, will i be able to connect this to my computer because they are saying i will need a mole connector or i dont know what the hell it is. Also, for SLI does it have to be two of the SAME name card to connect them or can it be two different cards from nvidia. Is it better to have wired or wireless controllers.
  20. Believe it or not, that will never happen, your asking to much from the people. I dont want to start trouble, but i would like to see reaper_man (not trying to call you out) or any of the other guys try to prove all religions wrong, and not by trying to prove thiers right. I can easily prove my religion is right, and not because it gives me comfort, pleasure, money, or anything.
  21. But according to the review, they say that you arent really gaining anything from the extra memory
  22. Everyone kept typing "Strar" was the title of the thread fixed from that??? I don't get it. And stop confusing my girl. And I don't believe anyone who says they don't know what Star Wars is. It's damn near impossible! Star Wars is EVERYWHERE originally it was a typo in the topic title, but it seems to be fixed now, rendering the joke useless... ;/ Let's pretend it never happened. Strar Wars FOR LIFE. Amen. And who said star wars is everywhere. I know a couple of guys that never heard of it. Then agian they never heard of a lot of thing. (Not in the US).
  23. I only want it on medium settings. Plus if you look at this video:http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27243.html?type=wmv I think its decent enough and runs smoothly. Plus im not gonna try to save for something that is not im my range of ...of....EVERYTHING.
  24. Well guys, its down to two decisions: Its either this one:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130286 The good thing about this one is its an 8600GTS and with 512mb. The bad thing about it is from the reviews, it is the same thing as a 8600GTS 215mb Source:http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MT...W50aHVzaWFzdA== What do you guys thing about this card. Its for 160$ so its kind of a money killer for me but im willing to put the money if its willing to work like a 512mb instead of a 215 mb. IS IT WORTH IT. My other choice(s) is a 8600GTS 215mb. Im still unsure on which one to pick so i would greatly appreciate it if you guys helped me out on this one. One from the following would be good:http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....&name=256MB Since its only 215mb, i dont thing putting 160$ is a good idea so anything under 150 is fine for me. Im planning on getting one during thanksgiving break since the rebate end on the 30th of November and i want to try to set it up before coming back from the break. ITS ALMOST TIME!! Thank you
  25. Zelda mario YS
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