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Posts posted by Ahmad89

  1. Yeah it's not a pretty sight. There's a documentary coming out soon called "Zoo" about a dude that was killed by his own horse he was raping. WHO SAYS ANIMALS DON'T HAVE FEELINGS!?! *laughs*

    That horse was an exception to the rule!!

  2. Well, since it's a topic. I'll just list my fetishes.


    Glasses, skirts, stockings (espeically when the skirt is high enough to show legs and the stockings are low enough to leave skin), cat ears and/or tail (not furry in anyway), something that accents the breasts, schoolgirl outfit (both of the sailor fuku and private western types), skirt uniforms and there's probably alot more I got digging in my brain. But, the main attraction, natural sexiness. Somethings some basic, not too fancy clothing (button sweater, pink blouse, long skirt with frills and that's a light color) can be the most hottest thing ever.


    All tested with various girls i've dated.

    Toom mutch anime if you ask me :lol:

  3. "Pervert"


    To lead astray morally.

    To turn away from the right course.

    To lead into mental error or false judgment.

    To turn to an improper use; misapply.


    There are gray areas here. What is moral? There are some obvious answers, but what about the consensus? Our cultures have different rules and practices. And from place to place, you see some really different ideas on what is "right".


    O.K. Say some girl walks in. She isn't wearing a bra, and she has a blouse on thats reveals her cleavage. These breasts are magnificent.... You can see every subtle bounce when she moves. (I sound like a pervert!) Your looking at these breasts in awe, you cant look away. In this case, your often called a pervert. But why? It isn't the right thing to do? Well she knew what she was doing when she didn't wear a bra and wore a low cut top. She has them on display. She should be called a pervert too then!!!


    Screw all of this. It's all based on morality. Who is to say what things are rite and wrong... within reason. We obviously exempt obvious perversion. Everyone has different opinions on what is rite or wrong.


    But why do we do these things you ask. Who the hell knows. Alot has to do with preference. Another thing might be the excitement in something that is wrong. Or at least something your not supposed to be doing. Key word.... Excitement. What makes you excited.... We are all wired differently, literally. As for the foot fetish, scientists speculate that whatever you recognize a foot with, is real close to where the sexual stimulation portion in your brain is. They theorize that some might be wired to just be excited by feet, seeing as it's so close to that portion of your brain anyway. Makes sense I guess, but what of all those other fetishes, or general turn ons. I.E. boob man, leg man. Who the hell knows, but I'm sure something is linked with how you perceive.... attractiveness. It's all preference.


    I think perversion, is mainly relative. Some girl pulls up her blouse and looks all uncomfortable because I just happened to look at her cleavage. ( yes... I was looking, although I tried to be slick........ ) But she had herself on display. Why did she get uncomfortable? Perhaps I wasn't attractive enough for me to look? But it was probably because she didn't want anyone to look at her in that way. You MUST know, that if you show it off, someone IS going to look. Then there are those who show it off, and catch me looking, and smile. It's all relative. The first girl didn't ask for it, in her mind, but she was. I didn't overdue it. I just looked. It's sometimes hard not to. I was a pervert in her eyes. In my eyes she was a dumb ass. The second girl, didn't think I was a pervert. (or did and liked it) Whatever.


    Were all different. We have moral ideals and preferences. Sometimes what we "know" as wrong, <--(sometimes relative) bring us excitement too. Like having sex in the storage room at work with the hott new girl! Or cheating on you significant other....... You know who you are..... ah-hem.... whatever, it all stems from what you perceive. Just......... don't let yourself get too perverted.


    What is your degree in man :lol: ?


    Pretty interesting shtuff. I agree with veristic (see your are noticeable, even if its by me) since this is what we are studying, somewhat, right now. And i think playboy IS true perversion cause that stuff isnt good for you.

  4. The mugen section should be more organized though.



    Character request thread: We dont need a hundred people telling us they need spanish homer

    Stage request

    screenpack request


    As soon as they get 10 pages long, just make a new one, then incase no one asnwered you the first time post it again in the second topic made


    All other things like whether elycebyte is coming back and NOT requests can be talked about normally in a new topic. All im saying is when i go to look at the last ten topics being replied to and all of them turn out to be some guys requesting stuff for mugen is a little annoying. Also just in case "I" need to look for a certain character being requested here, i believe the search button can do that.


    EDIT: another thing if i might add, in the new and update, their should be a thread that says for example "dsorganize" and then everytime a new version is made it is put under that one cause its easier (i think) to find the version you want.


    More organized does not mean less posting, just more of the same thread popping out and more redirecting.


    It would be nice if someone was experienced in MUGEN. I'd try to learn but im a begginer and school is killing me.

  5. well, i dont know much about hardware but this is what i do:


    I look at this site:http://www.nvidia.com/object/graphics_cards_buy_now.html

    I then look at the stuff that pretty much is in my range in this case for you it would be either the 7900 GS or the 7800GS. If you go to Newegg.com you'll see much better prices like:http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....amp;Order=PRICE or http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList....amp;Order=PRICE (i like this one since originally it was at 200 then dropped alot but im kind of crazy like that).


    By the way, I dont know anything about TV tuners since my computer came with it and never needed to buy one. I dont know much about which is better and why but from nvidia's site you can tell pretty much what is good and bad.

  6. Alright jake, all i can say in terms of your computer is that i dont think you need a new computer. Buying yourself a larger amount of ram would be a good think to do though. 2 or 3 gb would be good for games now a day since most require at least 2. As for the other stuff, wait until the more skilled people reply. By the way, state wether you want something in the 7 series or the 8 series (if you want dx 10 for the future).

  7. Hmmm, not sure what category I fit into then...


    I do not believe in it on logical grounds and on principle.


    There is simply no need to.


    However, should something occur which is undeniably divine, well then I will change my mind.


    But, I doubt very much it would happen.

    Well, at least your not stubborn.

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