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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. Now what you should do is take an ugly pic and turn it into a cool sig
  2. So......now we are talking about insect heaven????? Just messen with ya. You guys are thinking to hard, not that im saying to take this issue loosley.
  3. Also True. Extremists for AND against religions. But what happens if you don't believe in hell? Where are ya gonna burn then? Texas????
  4. Its comes and goes. Just wait until the playstation and GC emulator come out. Or even an update to any DC emulator.
  5. Alright, im back with one of my PC problems. Here it goes: I have a Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80 installed one my computer but the problem is it is sort of incompatible with windows vista, that is when i use for example MSN messenger and i want to use my camcorder as my camera it wont let me choose the DVC 80 (it crashes when i do). When i even use Studio 8, the program it came with, it crashes. I checked thier website and they provides drivers for vista for almost everything except this one. But, i did a little searching and i just wanted to see if my DVC 80 was any good and it was. I was able to install Ulead videostudio and it did not crash when i chose DVC 80 and i can see myself and the video on the tape, even capture them. My problem is i want to be able to use my camcorder as my webcam for MSN messenger. I dont want to necessarly use my DVC 80 but i thought it would work (it would have on xp i think). Please dont tell me to burn vista and get xp as i would have done that if i wanted to. These are the following things i have: SONY HANDYCAM TRV128 S-video cable (thats what i used to connect my camcorder to the DVC 80) Capture card (i dont know what its called but im pretty sure i have one) S-video to composite Studio 8 (not fully compatible with Vista) my computer has a s-video in, and also a composite in (if that makes sense) DVC 80 can i do it with the above. I dont care about quality. Thanks EDIT: Change of plans, i was using the Ulead Videostudio and capturing my video with the DVC 80 and i got the blue screen. I want a way to not use the DVC 80 unless someone know of a patch that can fix it to make it vista compatible.
  6. My point of view: I am a Muslim. I closed my ears and shut my eyes, i read about different religions, and the best answer that i saw was islam, not because its the best story but because its a science book with alot of facts that have been discovered in the past 500 to be true. I dont know if your going to hell. No one on earth knows who is going to hell. These topics dont cause trouble as long as everyone says his own point of view.
  7. You are taking things a bit to serious. not really, just trying to tell my point of the story. PS: Thanks for changing your Sig fatal, it was really hurting my eyes seeing the same thing over and over while trying to read.
  8. If you were a 5 yr old, 10 yr old or whatever, you got some serious issues supersoaka24. I would rather die tomorrow a virgin than sleep with a bunch of girls. Depending on which religion your talking about and the different versions of the religion some are allowed to have sex (after mirrage) while some aren't (mosts priests). Like Elazul Yagami said, just because "everyone" is doing it that doesnt mean i should, he should or you should do it. I have far more important things to do NOW. I'll leave it for after i get married. And if i die a virgin, oh well. Too bad. Ive always wanted to jump off a mountain (not scuide) but you dont see me doing it and telling everyone one the forum to loosen up and go do it. I'll keep my virginity until the day im ready to jump off of that mountain.
  9. No but thats because you use it a couple of years then throw it out, the car that is.
  10. mmm L.S.D.'s picture ewww supersoaka, no offense, your stories just make me wish i was illiterate.
  11. Lets not bring out the pedophiles of this forum if you know what i mean.
  12. I was the number one person to come for help in my class (not the smartest one in my whole class though). Ive never said XXXX to anyone as surely i will need thier help again (IJTF_Cinder, Haldrie, LoRd_SnOw, ........). Anyone need help in math
  13. He's back More woman stories
  14. i couldnt have said it any better 9times out of10 most people are alright. but theres always one who likes to be difficult.but hey life goes on If its something i have no clue about, i'll try to find it out. You wont find me asking how to add character to MUGEN or making it fullscreen. Although on occasions i may ask stupid questions
  15. I was wondering when supersoaka would say something.
  16. Was supersoaker from there
  17. mugen aint thatbad surely! Its isnt, but like almost everything, too much is not good for you if not completely bad. PS: I play MUGEN myself from time to time but you dont see me making 10 topics about it.
  18. L.S.D.'s maybe.
  19. Bambi and Belthasar have really been bring good luck. Others too, no offense for not mentioning anybody else, but bambi and Belthasar happen to be not MUGEN lovers, yet or as we now know right now. We dont need MUGEN lovers but more people in the lounge.
  20. Its not supposed to be the best game, just another mario game. Havent all the mario games been like this. Thier just nice games, not the best.
  21. Better safe than sorry is what i always say. Keep your ground GC, dont let no admin, mod or whatever tell you what to do. WUSSIES ALL THE WAY
  22. So true. ------ Ys: The Oath in Felghana. Great game, but the boss fights cause me headaches. headackes are for wussies. I played through it thrice and no wussying.
  23. Mario can babysit the kids but his ruling days are far behind now Your far behind. Mario is a classic and a nice childhood memory. It stays on my play list until they go crazy with it, like give him guns......on second thought, thats genius .
  24. Mario rules and so shall this one.
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