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Everything posted by Ahmad89

  1. This calls for a celebration.
  2. Then you should play it Is it out yet for the PC??? I no havy a 360.
  3. Dont mean to get you angry its just that i thought that the 360 version is different from the PC version. I still havent played it so i cant speak in turns of liking it. I just want to play it.
  4. It shows the 2d version there but ya thats it The one thats for the PC is this one:http://www.speedball2.com/images/gameinfo_screen01.jpg
  5. By the way guys: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest You can now check if your computer can run Crysis, and the Orange box. Im waiting for UT3, GOW and Assassins creed (still dreaming ). EDIT: and Hellgate: London.
  6. I edited my post. I think we might not be talking about the same game. Is this the one your talking about:http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/142/14209228.html
  7. Ya, It's hard Does that make you not like it. I like hard games, when it comes to adventure games though, but not godly hard. I like Quake hard, but not soccer hard mode. Im hoping its at least ok. I should be more clear, It's not the challenge I find hard it's the controls Well your talking from a 360 point of view. What would you think if you used a different controller or a keyboard. Or is it the game itself that has bad options. Also i believe its for PC, we might be talking about different games. This is the one you might be talking about:http://xbox360.ign.com/objects/142/14209228.html
  8. Ya, It's hard Does that make you not like it. I like hard games, when it comes to adventure games though, but not godly hard. I like Quake hard, but not soccer hard mode. Im hoping its at least ok.
  9. He can't sleep, It's all that sexiness built up he can't handle Good point.
  10. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a...peedball2pc.jpg This one????
  11. Was that the Speedball 2 on 360 cause I hated that Its not 2D, if you search on wiki they have a screenshot of, i think, a really ingame pic.
  12. Belthasar, you have the best beard ive seen in my life. As soon as i can grow one, ill make it looks like yours. Ohh and fatal, not trying to be hating or anything but umm... do you smoke pot or something, or not enough sleep maybe.
  13. Ten-ten from Naruto. She should die b/c she is not special in any way. They never even told us about her past (at least in the series so far). DOWN WITH TEN-TEN. Edward is DA BOMB. BROCK IS THE PIMP.
  14. Assassins creed (even if its for 08 that wont stop me from dreaming) Crysis Gears of War UT3 Oniblade (if anyone has heard of it, im not sure if its out in Nov.) Speedball 2 (not sure about this one also) Got a bunch of mullas in my piggy bank.
  15. A kid in my classmate was laughing, yelling, then crying when he was asleep. About half the class caught him on their phone. He talked alot about stuff that i dont think he would want us to know. Either about his parents, smoking pot, and his stories with his girl. The teacher ended up waking him up after cracking up laughing. Luckly it was a subtitute teacher so we sat around him and listened to the kid. The good old high school days. I have another but i'll post later.
  16. Did you ever say that your brother is bigger then you You'd crush me into tiny pieces, or so it looks like.
  17. This is why your not one ummm, i am You shouldnt ..........
  18. This is why your not one
  19. Used to it maybe. Theres nothing better then living next to a farm........for a couple of weeks, just to kid that natural feeling.
  20. Not through the nose dumboes. GC IS GOING TO DIE WHAT. Well,...... shot gun (if you guys know what i mean).
  21. Either try and forget about the smell or take a wiff of something different like a bowl of mustard (if thats your thing). I had this metal taste in my mouth after smelling something horrible today and it left my mouth as soon as i ate a bowl of spaghetti.
  22. James is a girl.
  23. WHAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTT. This is totally pissing me off. Both the 360 and PS3 version are to be released in November but the PC is not until 08. Oh well, theirs a bunch of other games that will be released. I found this info from looking at thier site. You can preorder it for the 360 and PS3 but not for the PC. YOu can see the PC box but you cant click on it to preorder it. I may be wrong but im 99% sure. Also if you watch some of thier videos they dont even mention the PC version.
  24. Well what i think im gonna do is buy a 8600 (GT or a GTS, no sure). That way i only put 100 dollars down instead of 2 or 300. Then when the new graphics card comes out i will hopefully have a J O B. One question before i go hibernating. Would i see a very big difference in the maximum quality for the upcoming games if i decide to bring the 8600 instead of the 8800. The games that im talking about are: Lost planet Bioshock Assassins creed Crysis Unreal Tournament Gears of War
  25. Good for you, big whop, what you wanna fight about it.
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