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  1. Sorry to tell you guys that, but the only official PDA software I have heard of on DS has seen its developpement stopped... sounds stupid, but that's how it is. Now, Nintendo did see, a few days ago, for text recognition, so they might be doing a pda software themselves...
  2. nice ! any idea when the next update will be then ?
  3. http://palib.pizz.biz/test.zip In this example, you chose a, b, and it shows a%b... You'll see the correct result on DS, and the wrong one on dualis... (don't chose b =0 though )
  4. http://palib.pizz.biz/LargeMaps.zip Basicly : this example loads a map, maptile per maptile, using a modulo... On DS it shows normally, on Dualis it doesn't show right.... (always the same tile shown...)
  5. It looks like I fell on a weird bug : - Each time I used a modulo (%), like x = a%b; it return b... - The same test on DS shows the correct answer though. Any idea why ?
  6. Ok, so maybe i'm the one doing it wrong, thought it was like on gba and for both processors, that's what could be bugging... Sorry for that, thanks
  7. Hi, me again ! Sorry for annoying you so often, but this looks like a weird problem. I have multiple arrays, and, to my knowledge, they're by default loaded in IWRAM, right ? If I force them to be put in EWRAM, the emu hangs (white screen from the beginning, no image at all...) In iDeaS it works though...
  8. Thanks for Dualis r8, works perfectly for me now (except for rotsets) I still have a friend who's demo bugs when x = -1, tying to reproduce the bug...
  9. I don't think it'll happen either. If you think of it, there have been many gba emulators, and no one seems to have come together to form a bigger better group. Too bad... Keep up the good work
  10. Oh, ok. Any idea when we'll be able to have a new version of Dualis then ?
  11. Nice !! Pure curiosity, but what was the problem ?
  12. iDeaS works pretty well, except for touch screen and 16 color sprites (they're all messed up) Oh, and it doesn't show a sprite that's half off-screen (as soon as it moves outscreen a little, it disappears) Dualis works perfectly, except for that little point with 16 color sprites...
  13. Ok, no problem You can get the demo here : http://membres.lycos.fr/existepas/bug/ (bug.zip)
  14. did you end up finding anything wrong ?
  15. Je peux t'aider si t'as envie d'un coup de main
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