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Everything posted by bilippe

  1. i'm running in 60hz mode (ntsc) too but sometimes i feel sound imperfections in games like art fighting , andro dunos ,......whereas in your last release it hasn't no sound problem.....( i have on my xbox 2 versions : gogo's version and yours )... have they the same save folders? could you tell me all folders for each versions in order to delete them? ( my friend has this pb too... ) merci for your help
  2. your version has a pb with sound emulation ! : could tou make an update if possible because it's very obvious... thanks !
  3. ok ihave tested on fbaxxx and it's works good but my music pb is on PRO version ? i have to delete a save folder or anythink else??? it is the same sources or not?
  4. hello ! i have a pb with sound and music : since the 2604 version the sound is very bad !!!! ( i have tested on alpham2 , androdun.........) the sound is very verybad whereas it's good in the last version ! the cause is the improvement for the psychio games? I need help please ( i notice that i haven't change the sound options....)
  5. the improvements of the 2404 version will be soon release in the pro version ( striker1945 , tengai....) ?
  6. OK , then see what you can do
  7. hello kof2002 plus ( kf2k2pls ) freezes at launch of the rom ( i have of course the good rom with good crc...) could you remerber of it for the next update plz ? ciao
  8. ok its cool but a solution for me concerning battlebaraid?
  9. ok thanks it works ! edit : No no.......i have a pb with battbraid : the sound works but when i leave the game and return on it i have no sound... A solution for me???? kof2003 up don't works , i have corrupted graphics...( i have the good rom with good crc..) ?
  10. could say me if battle bakkraid have sound because at home it hasnt sound ( but in gogo version of 060305 it has sound ) could you make an update plz?
  11. sorry !
  12. hello *blah* no rom requests guy i search them but i dont look for them , any help please?
  13. it's very cool !!
  14. ok but how insert coin to play because i can't play with it....
  15. hello ! i'm belgian but i speak english very bad.....sorry coud you tell me if jockeygp works on fbaxxxpro because the romis launching it's not possible to insert coin and start the game...have you a solution for me or this game don't work on this emu????
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