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  1. So i cant get VBALink to run the VBA savestate? No matter what?
  2. I'd hate to tell you but i found out that four swords is one of the games that doesnt work with vbalink. i tried myself. sorry.
  3. I used the same *image* on both emulators but when I have a progress in the game on VBA. VBALink is just a new game file called A. On each emulator I saved a different 'save state.' The VBALink is only loading the state from the saved state i made on VBALink. And VBA only with VBA. Can I load a save state made from VBA onto the VBALink?
  4. "Q: Zelda: Four Swords doesn't work for me, is there anything wrong ? A: No. Four Swords uses another type of connection that might work for some people but they will still experience much problems with it. VBA Link doesn`t support Four Swords yet. Please be patient over this game. " Never mind
  5. I've tried using the VBALink but I can't figure out how to link it. Anyone have any suggestions? The FAQ only tells you about LAN.
  6. Okay, I have saved an image in one emulator on the VBA. When I try loading that ROM file on the VBALink it starts from scratch. Does anyone know how I can load the rom onto VBALink? It's not like they are 2 totally separate emulators.
  7. Ok, thanks... Just...how? There's a help menu but it's for VBA, not VBALink.
  8. Hello. Does anyone know where I can get a Minish Cap ROM?
  9. I tried fooling around with VBALink but I think it only works when you have more than one PC. I don't know anyone else with a Four Swords ROM. If someone knows how you can maybe link 2 emulators on the same computer, could you please explain how? BTW, how many players do you need to play Four Swords? Just 2 or all four?
  10. Hello. I have Legend of Zelda Four Swords but I don't know anyone else who has it. But oh man I really want to play the four swords game! Does anyone know if it is possible to link emulators together somehow? And do you need more than one computer? Another question: Is there a difference between Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures? Ill be eagerly awaitng a reply.
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