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Everything posted by hi_resurrection

  1. Thank you for that Robert. Mame forgets the playcount/playtime from time to time and I needed a way to back it up and also edit/add on the playtimes that it has since forgotten (after crashing). I wasn't checking this topic because I thought no one would bother replying - so thanks!
  2. So does anyone know where this data is stored in MAME?
  3. Which version are you using? Is it an older one? I'm using MAME Plus 0.129, I only have a mame.ini in my folder but play-counts/playtime aren't listed in there...
  4. Quick question - Where is the data for the amount of plays and accumulated play time stored? It used to be in MAME32UI.ini in the root, but the ini in the new version doesn't display this info. Is this info still editable? thanks
  5. Brilliant! That's all it was. Before I asked the question, I wondered if it might be something that could be done after compiling rather than before but I didn't want to push my luck! Thanks
  6. I recently compiled my own version of MAME Plus! 0.129 (I needed a slightly older version as I had a 0.129 diff I needed to patch it with) but the menus that come up in game (game info/disclaimer and the TAB menu) look awful (low resolution and filtered). Here is an example of the blurry menu screen I get with the MAME Plus! I compiled: I want it to look like the one that comes with newer versions of pre-compiled MAMEUI: Even when I tried compiling a version of MAMEUI (not Plus) I still got this low reslution menu. Is there any way of replacing the blurred menu with the newer, nicer looking one before compiling? Thanks.
  7. I just tried another version of MAMEUI (official 0.129) and using the exact same options, it blows the image up to full-size and with the correct aspect ratio. What is the problem with cabMAME? It doesn't seem to listen to applied settings...
  8. I downloaded cabMAME and put some roms in that I knew used to stutter in the newish MAMEs and just listened to their sound carefully. As far as I could tell, it might be less noticeable (I wasn't sure if I heard it a couple of times or if I was imagining it after being so used to the sounds from these games missing a beat) So far, it SEEMS to be an improvement, but I don't want to jump in and say it's fixed until I've used it a bit more... However I can't really do that yet - I'm having trouble getting this version to run full-screen - stretched to fit the display. When I run a game (not windowed) the image is very small in the middle of the screen. I've tried a lot of combinations of different options to stretch it/zoom in and nothing has worked, plus it's also locked in a widesceen aspect ratio. Any ideas how you get cabMAME running full-size with a 4:3 aspect ratio?
  9. I think you mean the "sync to monitor refresh" option. It doesn't actually work though - running it on an LCD screen with a stated 60Hz refresh rate (but actually ever-so-slightly less, like almost all LCDs) - the problem is there regardless of what this tickbox is set to. It think it was the 'match game refresh rate' option in older MAMEs that could be unticked and this resulted in perfect sound on a 60hz display. I don't think MAMEdev would ever put the feature back in - not if it's something that would ruin the 'accuracy' of the emulation (even though it makes it more accurate to our eyes and ears I might add)... But so, so, many other users must be blighted by this same problem, with the prevalence of LCD displays today - not many PC users are still on 17'' or 19'' CRTs... The sound still skips even on my £1200 30'' Apple Cinema Display and outside of crazy 200Hz and above 1080p displays, it's going to happen to almost everyone running a PC on a modern display. Therefore, I would assume one of the teams/people making unofficial builds might realise the significance of this problem and just make it work like it used to in their unofficial version of MAME - If so, which one(s)? I'm going to try Robert's suggestion of cabMAME and I'll report back.
  10. I run MAME on an HD Sony Bravia 50inch LCD - old MAME is fine, but newer MAMEs suffer from sound jumping in many games. I found this on another site posted by someone calling himself 'FatTrucker': "Versions prior to 112 using the synchrefresh option could throttle mame back to update at the monitors refresh rate. It solved sound glitching but caused problems with improper emulation with mame having to miss or jump over video frames to maintain the lower refresh rate, so mamedev killed it. Now all games in mame run at their native speed regardless of the system they are running on. The emulation is far more accurate but the tradeoff is that if you aren't running on a CRT or other display that supports 60hz+ you may experience sound and graphic tearing issues." My question is: are there ANY derivative/non-official MAME builds that address this b!tch of a problem (by making the synching work like it did before)?
  11. Any ideas? Some emu fans must have managed it?
  12. I'm trying to use my Namco neGcon on viva nonno (for Rave Racer mostly). After some fiddling with the code I managed to get the neGcon (and the buttons I wanted) to recognise on the control test screen (accessed in the rom by holding down 'q' and pressing 't'). On this screen all axes are shown to be working properly, but upon putting in a coin, the gas pedal won't select anything and the only thing I can control is 'music select up' and 'gear shift up'. When the select time runs out and the game starts up, obviously it's still the same... no pedals working (and because I can't accelerate I can't find out if the steering works either). The code I'm running for the emulator's set-up is as follows (the green bit is the control code but I thought you might need to see the other stuff, just in case): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root version="2"><general><graphics texture_format="1" texture_reduction="0" gamma_correction="0.650000" black_level="0.000000" white_level="1.000000" frame_skip="0" no_wait="0" show_fps="0" interlace="0" interlace_level="96" texture_filtering="0" depth_bias="1" texture_mipmap="0"/><sound enable_sound="1" playback_freq="44100" buffer_size="200" volume="0.500000"/><control><joystick><axis handle="X" gas="RZ" brake="Z"/><button coin1="8" coin2="9" clutch="4" shift1="12" shift2="14" shift3="15" shift4="13" shift_up="7" shift_down="6" test="0" service="1" view_change="5" pause="11"/></joystick><keyboard><axis/><button/></keyboard></control></general><game><RidgeRacer/><RidgeRacer2 no_time_up="0" system_type="0"/><RaveRacer/></game></root> I've searched all over the Internet for help with this to no avail, so I really hope someone here can assist. I'm guessing it's something quite simple.
  13. I just found the bloody thing (I would have never found it without the Japan AES knowledge). All Neo-Geo games have now passed audit. Thanks a lot, couldn't have fixed it without your information. 2 hours of searching and then found it 5 mins after reading your post. Thanks again.
  14. Oh, OK. Thanks for the information. Where do I get it from (only joking). That's what I needed. More information on what the file actually was. EDIT: I just tried running a Neo game on all territory settings (US MVS, Universal, Asia AES etc) and the game did not run when I selected Japan AES. Obviously you are correct iq_132 - I find it strange that just this one file missing is enough to be categorised as 'unavailable' in Mame when I'm not even going to play the Japanese home version.
  15. Firstly, this is not a rom request... What the hell is going on with Mame Plus and the neogeo bios? I am using Mame Plus XT 0.126. First I encountered numerous errors with missing Uni bios files and the like. I managed to fix most of it by shoving bins into the neogeo.zip file. The only error I get now is a missing neo-po.bin. What is this file and where does it come from? I have all Neo-Geo bios files that I know of (all uni bios and aes/neo cd bios files) but I cannot see this particular bin file anywhere. Is there some bin under a different name that needs adding to the neogeo.zip file? (After adding the files inside the aes bios I got rid of a differently named bin from the error list). It seems as though these games run but at the moment I cannot get the games to show up under 'available' as they won't pass audit. Neo-Geo games pass properly in Mame XT 32 with the regular neogeo.zip but I wanted to try out Mame Plus. I cannot find any information anywhere as to what this elusive file is and why it is needed.
  16. Sorry to bump this, but I just wanted to thank the people that took the time to submit their vote. It will really help in my work. Much appreciated, thanks again!
  17. I'm doing a university thesis on video games and needed to do a little research. In general, which do you prefer? HTML websites or Flash websites? Very boring I know, but I hope you have time to register a quick response so I can get an idea of the preferences of game players. Thanks for your time!
  18. Does the latest version of Plus run everything that MAME32 0.118 does? (including the CPS-III stuff without some of the earlier emulator's glitches - such as the elephant glitch in Elena's stage on 2nd Impact)
  19. Now that they've changed them into PNG 'mask' images, how do you go about actually applying scanlines to individual or all games in MAME 32? Please don't tell me it's command line only. Thanks.
  20. Yes, thank you. It was bi-linear filter causing the problem. Now it's as sharp as possible.
  21. Thanks, you answered both my questions! I have one more though - I'm using a special version of Mame32 and MamePlus and I can't figure out how to get the graphics super sharp. In the regular Mame32 I just select use Direct3D and put the resolution on 1024 (on HDTV) or 1792 (on my CRT monitor) and this displays the graphics as sharp as you can get. How can I get this effect under these new mame versions? Thanks again
  22. Hi, I think the CPSIII emualtion is excellent, however the problem I have spotted (and you lot probably have too) is that the blur effect that appears on Elena's stage on SFIII when the character drops down for the 2nd round is always present whenever a character moves on all the games (Red Earth etc). Is this a fault with the video emulation and will it ever be fixed? Here is an example of the problem. PS - I am using the ElSemi Nebula emulator on the interlaced filter (sharpest looking one) I am thinking that it is this emulators fault, I've tried Mame but I can only get the CD version to appear in my rom list and then I get some Japanese writing saying something about the disc. I would prefer to use Mame, How do I get the games to load? Thanks for reading
  23. Does anyone know if there is a safe substance to use to lubricate (no sniggering...) an Xbox 360 analog stick? I slid a bit of old t-shirt under the stick (the ball type part that sits in the pad) to dust it as it looked pretty bad, and ever since it's started sticking and it's pissing me right off whenever I need to use subtle aiming movements. I know talcum powder would probably have the opposite effect (and it's also completely killed another of my electronics products before - so be warned around the stuff) but I tried it anyway - pad still works but the stickiness is just as bad, if not worse. I don't have an massive amount of disposable income, otherwise I'd just buy another controller as it's p!55ing me off so much... Anyone know if something like Vaseline would be safe to use? Or is there something else that could be used safely? Thanks.
  24. Thanks for the reply. Is a TV Card required to connect a console up to my PC? Sorry, I have no idea on this.
  25. Hi, does anyone know how a website such as IGN would get screen captures from current gen consoles? Does it involve a special device or a simple cable across to a PC? Obviously getting screen captures from old consoles such as the Megadrive and NES is easy because of emulators, but I am really keen on taking quality images from my PS2, Xbox, PS3, Wii etc. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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