omfg , nice site... gj on finding lol focking hilarious lol look at dis 1 " From: Pete Kane This is my story... I lived in a suburban environment and I attended a private religious school. Our school was big into athletics, which made it even tougher for me being "obese", "husky", "chubby", "fat" or whatever my insensitive classmates chose to call me that day. My friends and I were all "on the big side" and we mainly played video games. The ice-cream man always drove by my school on hot days and many of the kids would jump the fence (we were poorly supervised) to go out and buy his delicious treats. Needless to say, my friends and I were nervous to try because we weren't as fit as most of the other boys and girls. Climbing the fence was really hard and I didn't even want to try. One day though, the kids on the morning bus were especially mean and I started thinking that the torment would never end unless I found some way to prove myself. So my friends and I decided to jump the fence too, it was hard though. I struggled but I wasn't fat because I didn't exercise, I was fat because I was born that way. When I made it over, though, my friends were still trying. Everybody at the ice-cream truck was laughing and laughing. "Keep climbing Fatty!" they'd scream, "maybe you'll make it next week!" I thought that jumping the fence would earn me respect, but instead I was horrified to think that when I was climbing back over they would all just be laughing at me and saying hurtful things. I didn't even buy ice-cream, I just walked home thinking about how awful people can be. Anyway, that was a long time ago and I'm not embarrassed anymore. Now I buy ice-cream whenever I want." LOL , wat a fat arse