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Everything posted by Sane

  1. As far as I know it's not possible that that thing will work with backups. The only ways to play backups on Saturn is with a modboard or with the swap trick. The bad news is that it's pretty much impossible to find model 1 mods these days, the good news is that the swap trick is easier to do on model 1's. But it's still a hassle if you ask me, If I were you I'd buy a model saturn and mod that.
  2. Then It Will Rock On Pc Version!!! I don't think so. If it's a direct port then it will suck. Besides, there's not much wrong with the controls, or the game itself really, it's just incredibly mediocre which is the worst thing a game can be.
  3. Wow this is a really cool idea, now if only i didn't suck at all those games . Oh well, I'll try to get the breakout highscore I guess, Arkanoid used to be my most played game on the C64.
  4. Alright, I saved Maria, completed stage 2 and let Richter die. You then get the option to either save & quit or player change. If you pick player change you will resume the game as Maria. If you pick save & quit you can then select the game you started and select stage where you want to begin and which player to use. Playing as Maria is much more fun, I never liked that boring Richter . Edit: You don't have to save Maria, you can simply go on to the next stage.
  5. I forgot, I'll play it in a moment and tell you.
  6. http://homebrew.dcemulation.com/ Enjoy .
  7. I thought it was really boring, I bought it and returned it the next day. I just couldn't bear the thought of having to play all the way through it . Then again I'm also not much of a GTA fan.
  8. Nice idea, but if people are like me they will ignore stickied topics, I never really see them anymore because there are so many . Anyway, I just burned this game and am halfway through, and it's amazing, it makes me all nostalgic. It's rock hard, much harder than the original, thank god they put in a password feature. This game definetly gets my vote as best DC homebrew game. Beats of Rage is cool too, but I've always had a weakspot for platforming games, and Giana Sisters especially so this is like a dream come true.
  9. A new really cool homebrew project, I used to love Giana Sisters on my c64. Get the beta here. It's also out for GP32 btw.
  10. The Wavebird seems like a nice pad, but they ask 49.99 euro's for the damn thing here (that's almost 60 dollars) and that's overdoing it a bit for a controller that's the same as the original but with a wire less .
  11. It depends on the game you use them for, each controller has pros and cons. However, there can be no question about one thing, the model 2 Saturn pad is the best joypad for 2D fighting games.
  12. I believe Melty Blood was released in 2002, but I agree, it's a really good game.
  13. I never could get into timestalkers....maybe if I had batteries for my VMU it would be better .
  14. Well I guess it depends on your mood right now. If you're in an 'exploration-mood' you should play Skies. You get to sail the skies in your airship, looking for discoveries and new lands. There's many random battles though, and the battle sytem isn't really anything special. The story is pretty interesting. If you're in a 'battle-mood' play Grandia, it has the best battle system ever created. Although it's depth is utterly wasted on the games extremely easy opponents, it's still actually really fun to fight, unlike many other turnbased games. Other than that Grandia has great music (boot it up and let it sit at the press start screen, a really beatifull song will play) and excellent art design. The game is linear, but it's also long so who cares. So take your pick, but when you finish the first one go play the other since they're both really great games.
  15. I thought Prince of Persia was really easy, I actually wished they had put in a hard mode since the game was over so soon . Anyway, my PC game of the year award goes to two games, it's a tie. The games are: Truck Dismount (I'm actually not 100% certain wether the first build of this was released in 2003, but who cares) Mariopac They're both free so judge for yourself, downloads available at those links. They get the award for having extremely addicting gameplay, and innovative concepts (well maybe Mariopac isn't that innovative...it's more retro, but it is innovative how they took a horrible concept and made it into somehting great ). Edit: The horrible concept being the FLUDD thing in mario sunshine of course, not mario world.
  16. Ah I love Bass Fishing, so relaxing .
  17. Yeah that really should be a psx iso. Open it with isobuster or soemthing and tell us what you see.
  18. You're Missing Shenmue 2 and Skies of Arcadia!!!! Those are true must-haves for any DC owner. And you if you like King of Fighters you should gt Dreammatch 99 (not Evolution) and you should get Gunbird 2 if you like shmups.
  19. I don't know about that iso, but if you want to play DDR on your PC, Stepmania is the way to go. Don't ask me how to set it up though, I never used it, but it supposed to be great.
  20. Like it says in the pic, it's an archive, you need to unpack it. Double click on the first part and extract. Then use CDI2NERO to convert the CDI to NRG.
  21. If you downloaded it there will be a folder called 'crack' or soemthing on one of the discs. In this folder is an exe file that you must copy over the exe in the install directory.
  22. I think an OP should be nothing more than a glorified janitor, so only do it if you want to help out, not for personal gain. But that's just me though, lots of hubs give OP's special privileges.
  23. Try setting the frameskip to auto, there's a good chance that will solve it.
  24. I don't think it will work, no matter what you try. No one has been able to rip those things correctly. If you see them for download just ignore them, I can garantee you they will not work. They are really cool though, especially the MGS disc. I played through the entire game using that and it's very impressive, well worth my 10 bucks. The original Bleemcast discs will boot backup psx games without problems btw, just so you know .
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