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Everything posted by Sane

  1. You also can try Real Bout Fatal Fury games, they're really cool and rather different. Also some not so popular great games are Zupapa and Nightmare in the Dark, they're a bit like Bubble Bobble games.
  2. Do you mean with that that you tried ripping the game with clonecd, mounting it on deamon tools and then playing it with Magic Engine? Because that was going to be my suggestion.
  3. The Grandia 2 rip I have is in fact 2 discs, they split it in 2 and you have to change discs somewhere in the game. But I think there's only 1 2 cd rip so you should be fine, probably someone just named the files different.
  4. Dynamite Cop has lightgun support?
  5. It's probably overheating, I always try to not let my DC on for too long periods at a time because sometimes it gets really hot and it will do things like that. About the rumble packs and vmu's, I know that atleast one game (the backup anyway, dunno about the real one), it's Evolution 1 or 2, will not boot at all if you have a vmu inserted. I actually wasted 3 cdr's on it before deciding to read the nfo where it said that .
  6. There Death Crimson 2 and Death Crimson OX which both are pretty boring. demolition Racer: No Exit has a lightgun mini game where you shoot cars that come at you in 4 directions, pretty cool, in fact Demolition Racer is a great racing game as well. And there is something I'm forgetting I think....I'm sure shiba will fill us in . Anyway the ones you listed are the best.
  7. Bingo. If there's a Vsync option in the emulator then turning it on will solve it, if not you can try lowering your monitors refreshrate. Most emu's have vsync these days though, although I think (don't quote me on this) that if your monitor has a high refreshrate turning on vsync will take a lot of cpu power to keep up.
  8. Is that that game with the ninja bunny?
  9. It's truly an amazing game, I really love it. Sadly it's also quite unique, I couldn't name another game that is like it really. Maybe if you just look at the game play it's comparable to the Panzer Dragoon games, which are also really good but in another way. Or you could try out Space Channel 5 part 2 for DC, it's not like REZ at all but it's made by the same dev team (UGA) and it's my favourite rythm game.
  10. Actually, you're all wrong. THE worst fighting game ever is Fatman on the Genesis (or slaughtersport in the US I think, I dunno, I only know the jap version). Just dld the rom and see for yourself . That's the worst real fighting game anyway. Even worse are all the pirate ripoffs, I remember owning a NES fatal Fury cartridge when I was a kid. There were like 40 characters which were all the same and could only punch and kick . Insert Credit has a hilarious article on these games, read it if you want a good laugh. Never knew Tekken 2 was ported to the NES did you? Or my favourite one, Mortal Kombat 3 Special 56 Peoples .
  11. Nice guide, I'll try it out this weekend, I have some dead DC's lying around here . I'll take some pictures for you while I do it so you can use those instead of the blurry ones, if you want of course.
  12. It should work, I got it off that site as well, came with the same nfo. I don't use new DJ so I converted to NRG and burned it and it worked fine, as far as this beta is considered fine of course . I use it as Strikers 1945 emu, that one works good with it.
  13. Check out this site. They sell Genesis flashcarts, I've been wanting to get one for a while but never got round to it, also I don't know if they are reliable (the site and the carts ). Just noticed they sell Snes copyboxes too, for cheap. I really love my copyboxes, emulation is cool, but nothing beats the real thing.
  14. I think Discjuggler just has really bad compatibility with burners. It won't work with my new DVD RW burner at all, but with my old Lite-on CDRw burner I have burned a little over 300 DC backups using Discjuggler 3.5 without any problems at all. In fact I also use it to burn my saturn games, since my saturn has a bad lens and will only accept games burned at 1x or 2x speed, and most other programs won't let me go that low .
  15. No, it's not common to do that, I have quite a lot of DC backups and I never experience any freezing. It could be a problem with your DC, or with the game you burned (bad media, high burn speed etc.). I'd burn it again on good cdr's at low speed if it keeps happening.
  16. No, the way I understand it is when you connect through the game it calls directly to the server which is in japan. I'm still hoping that someone will develope something that will allow us to use these games with something like kaillera, though I don't know if that's even possible.
  17. .........*slowly backs aways* Anyway, that's a great site, many thanks .
  18. I agree, it's a bit crowded. Personally I would group things something like this: -Current Affairs: everything not game related -General Emulation: snes, genesis, N64, TurboGrafx, handheld etc -Arcade Emulation: SNK, Capcom and everything else arcade -CD based emulation: PSX, Saturn, Dreamcast, PCE CD, 3DO and in time others -Rom Requests -PC games/tech help -Emu Network -Media: movies and music -Site feedback I think nearly all topics would fit under one of these categories and it would give the board a much more clean look. I'm wouldn't make sub directories though, the less clicking the better imo.
  19. There's also Stepmania for PC, and it's free even .
  20. Dude, Echelon was the best DC ripping group. They have the best track record of proper releases and they did many games. You probably have dozens of games which they ripped, they didn't put intros in all of them, only some. And there are ways to remove the intros if they really bother you, I'll see if I can find some info on it. Personally I actually like them, they make me nostalgic by reminding me of the golden c64 age .
  21. If the server is still up you could play online....but you'd have to call to japan which would be rather expensive . It's a shame though, it always makes me sad to see the online option in japanese fighting games and not be able to play them. Out of my head we missed out on MvC 2, SFIII:ST, SSF2X, SPF2X, SFA3 and Vampire Chronicles online in the west, and probably many more I forgot .
  22. In some games the music had to be downsampled to make the game fit on a cdr, I think this was indeed the case with SA and SA2, although I can't say my backups of these games sound particularly crappy.
  23. Wouldn't it be a nice idea to give the reviews their own section under site navigation on the main page and host them on their own page instead of the forum? They could be livened up with some screenshots and maybe when there are more reviews list them by platform. I think a lot more people will read them that way which is good since they are of good quality and it will attract more hits to the main page perhaps. I will write some reviews soon as well when I have some more time, a large review section is a great thing to have for any game related site imo . Edit: oops didn't see the other review topic, should've posted this there.
  24. It's easier to use Alcohol 120% or clonecd for this and they're pretty much self-explanatory.
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